Funny you should ask. I have thought about it but I don't think it would work. It would require raising the windshield at the roll bar and, while you might be able to shim it up 1/8 or even 1/4, never could you get one or two inches. Another issue would be the rear skirts. They are hard enough to fit with the canopy where it is. I would not want to raise the canopy and then do it. (I just finished the canopy and am now putting the finishing touches on fitting the windshield. I have the canopy skirts to go.) My sons are 6-3 to 6-5 and I know they will hit their heads if the seat is adjusted right for me (6-0), so I ordered cushions from Oregon Aero that have a one inch bolster under the seat cushion. It is held on with velcro and they can just remove it and throw it in the back when they fly. That's the best solution for me. The cushions are wonderful, by the way. I could sit on them for hours...and someday I will.