Well Known Member
How close should the top of my head be to the top of the canopy?
I have Oregon Aero seats, which take a while to settle in, especially if it's cold.
My head is fairly close, I have a long back. The thin strap on my Peltor headset is about 1/2" from the canopy. I may sink in about another inch or less.
Will that be too close to the canopy? It sure is nice for looking over the nose while on the ground.
I'm asking because a local A&P thought I was sitting too high when I slid the canopy closed.
I can put a fist between my head (headset, actually) and the canopy. I'd like to be about an inch higher but that would make other problems (stick).
An inch and a half isn't enough. You're going to need more like three for flying on bumpy days.

Paul Danclovic
Jamestown NC
RV-8A N181SB

I am tall also and understand.

You will want 3 inches or more in turbulance and negitive G situations my head has hit the canopy.

Three options I can think of off the top are:

1) Reduce the Oregon Aero foam rise. You can send the butt cushion to them here in Scappoose, OR and they can modify it with different foam to allow a deeper seating position. You may gain an inch. They know what they are doing and can keep you with pleanty of cushion that is G absorbing if needed to save your back.

2) Upgrade your headset to an in the ear type to reduce the canopy scratches that will accumulate from the headset band on top your head room less. (Something like Clairity Aloft or simular type. No head band)

3) Do a canopy mounting modification. several have raised their canopy over an inch from the standard plans.

I did, 1) and 2) of which both worked excellent and satisfied me nicely.
i remember the first time i hit my head in a big thermal. i thought i broke thru the canopy. the noise was terrible. oh my head set had come off. since then i have learned to sit lower in the seat when in an out of clouds, ifr of course. there is still that unexpected hit, i hope i dont get knocked out. hey, watch your head, duck!!

One more thing to consider if you have limited, or even plenty of head room: if you have Vans seat belts, throw em out. They are junk and will slip loose in no time. Not a problem until you hit a nasty thermal or rough air to do some acro. Then both you and your passenger are going to see stars in broad daylight. Happened to me twice in rough air before I replaced them with an aftermarket harness. One hit was so bad I thought I cracked the canopy and I almost blacked out, and YES, I had synched them down tight several times during the flight.
There is room in this discussion for a little personal preference. I have always preferred to sit a little high---over a lifetime of flying. Good seat belts and a crotch strap will help if it turns out you like to ride a bit high too. Traded my LightSpeed 30-3G in for a Zulu with its thinner head piece. That was worth at least a half inch more head to canopy space at the same eye-height. I like the view better...


Any difference in the height of a stock canopy and Todd's? I am leaning toward one from Todd and this could be an issue for me.
I have Todd's canopy and my seats were made by flightline interiors. I have excellent visibility over the nose and have at least 2 "fists" between the top of my head and the canopy.

I can't tell you for sure if the clearance between the top of my head (I'm 6') and the canopy is function of how I installed the canopy, the shape of Todd's canopy, or a combination of the two. I can tell you that there is a difference between the shape of Todd's canopy and Vans canopy.

I would give Todd a call. He will be able to go give you the specifics.
crotch strap

one of the threads calls for the need of a crotch strap. I hit my head too until I added this strap. never hit my head again ( vans belts)
I have Classic Aero seats and they have several boosters under your seat to raise and lower the seat height. I'm not sure whether Oregon Aero has this same option.
I use both boosters in my set up as I like to sit high but have about 3" clearance. Removing them would probably give me about 6-8".