I have a 24” gap along the right rail that I can put my little finger thru that is only there in flight. On the ground it is flush…. Ideas?
Which model RV? If a tip up, it looks like your latch does not positively lock both sides. There is a good amount of lift created on top of the canopy when it is in flight and if not latched positively, it will want to lift up for about 3" till the down force is neutralize the lift.
Canopy gap


Pretty common to have a small gap on some of the aft parts of the -8 slider. Most guys are using some type of weatherstripping on the inside of the canopy skirt so the gap is covered in flight. Experiment with different widths and thickness till you get the right one. Hardware stores have black and gray weatherstripping in various sizes to use. If you need to see some pictures PM me with your e-mail address or phone number and I’ll forward some pics of how I did mine. Pretty simple process but if you use the store bought weatherstrip the adhesive is not very strong and will peel off slightly over time. This can be corrected by adding some contact glue to the adhesive side after pulling the backing off. Mine’s been on for a couple years and still adheres well with no drafts.