
Well Known Member
On the project I bought (trying to deflect blame) the fuselage is 1/16" or so fatter than the canopy. I figured I could just off set the holes on the roll bar a bit and it would pull the fuse sides in the required amount. But when I checked carefully I found that the roll bar (A-frame thingy) had much more spring than the fuselage. So I figured I would get a ratchet strap or 2 and try to squeeze the sides inward to improve the fit. Any of you ever heard of something this desperate? Am I out of my mind? I really want a good fit since it is so visible. Any other suggestions besides OCD therapy?
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Canopy Fuselage Mismatch

I had to bend the front rollbar quite a bit to make a proper fit on my fuselage. Used a jack and 4x4. Should work with ratchet straps, but go easy and check your dimension often, you don't want to overbend.

BTW "the fuselage is 1/16" or so fatter than the fuselage". I think you meant rollbar?
I had to bend the front rollbar quite a bit to make a proper fit on my fuselage. Used a jack and 4x4. Should work with ratchet straps, but go easy and check your dimension often, you don't want to overbend.

BTW "the fuselage is 1/16" or so fatter than the fuselage". I think you meant rollbar?

****, i meant fuse is fatter than the canopy!
I wouldn?t be bending the cockpit rails. 1/16? is nothing. I would shim the canopy skins out versus bending such a major frame.
On the project I bought (trying to deflect blame) the fuselage is 1/16" or so fatter than the canopy. I figured I could just off set the holes on the roll bar a bit and it would pull the fuse sides in the required amount. But when I checked carefully I found that the roll bar (A-frame thingy) had much more spring than the fuselage. So I figured I would get a ratchet strap or 2 and try to squeeze the sides inward to improve the fit. Any of you ever heard of something this desperate? Am I out of my mind? I really want a good fit since it is so visible. Any other suggestions besides OCD therapy?

Seems to be very common to have to do a vertical cut in the canopy frame "bulkhead" and splice it. It's mentioned in the manual.

I had to anyway redo the F-405E plates/gussets (previous builder had trimmed way too much). Still it was impossible to squeeze the fuselage together enough to make it fit the frame.

Ah ok thanks. I think that is the best way forward. I will cut the bulkhead. I should have RTFM! :eek: