
Active Member
I received my finishing kit a few days ago and found that the square tube on one side of the canopy frame is arched (significantly), which keeps it from lying flat onto the fuselage longerons. I don't know if I can bang it flat and make it fit, or if Van's will have to send me another one. Has anyone else had this problem?
Hi Jim... I received my finish kit last month. The canopy frame is still stored in the shipping crate and best I can tell by lifting up the canopy the sides of the frame are lying pretty much flat on the floor of the crate without any significant arch. It will rock slightly (few mms) and I do not know if that is due to the bottom of the box not being flat.

Van's phone builder support has been great in my experience. Or maybe you could take a picture and email support at:

[email protected]

Mine was a perfect fit. I'd get another if it's as bad as you said. A pain now, but you paid a lot of money, so you should insist on quality!
Canopy Frame Fitting

My canopy frame arrived impeccably packed as usual by Vans in its bomb proof shipping crate with no signs of damage. On fitting, the required 7/16" gap between the canopy hoop and the aft edge of skin is less than this (3/8")and cannot be altered as it is determined by the distance of the weld from the forward hinge point.
Main concern is that it is impossible to get near the configuration given in Detail C page 34-05 which shows the canopy on top of the frame level with the Upper Forward Fuselage Skin. In the centre it is 3/16" below increasing to 1/4" below as it goes out to the sides.
It was suggested that I try bend it which I did and succeeded only in breaking the side canopy weld. This, fortunately, I can get fixed.
Also suggested that I cut the welds, rebend the tube, and reweld.
There are several hundred completed RV12's out there and I did have to do a little tweaking but these suggestions appear to show that I have a Friday afternoon frame. Surely, this amount of rework should NOT be required.
Has anyone had similar experiences or am I alone on this one.
Can find nothing like this on a forum search.
Thanks for any advice/comments or experiences you may have had.
Jim D
I received my finishing kit a few days ago and found that the square tube on one side of the canopy frame is arched (significantly), which keeps it from lying flat onto the fuselage longerons. I don't know if I can bang it flat and make it fit, or if Van's will have to send me another one. Has anyone else had this problem?

I would check the shipping crate very carefully. This sounds suspiciously like shipping damage. Fork lift driver in a hurry maybe?
Try hand bending to reshape

Without photos it is hard to access ... but assuming your frame is not damaged from shipping or welded incorrectly depending on how bad the fit is, you may be able to correct it yourself.

My canopy frame did not even come close to sitting flat on the canopy deck on either side with or without the 1/8? thick cardboard spacer in place. It sat flat until around the aft edge of the instrument panel then lifted on a steady angle so the aft end was quite a ways off the canopy deck ? at least 3/8" or so. Didn't measure it, but it was way off.

To resolve the issue, at the location the canopy frame began to lift away from the canopy deck, I lifted the canopy frame up and slid the plastic covered handle of a needle nose pliers under the frame ans slightly forward of that point ?. while pressing down firmly at the location where the handle of the pliers was under the canopy frame (to keep the frame firmly on the pliers), the square tubing was GENTLY flexed downward further aft to induce a slight bend beginning at the handle of the pliers ? go easy because the aluminum tubing is thin and bends easily, one does not want to over bend.

Went back and forth from side to side and worked my way aft. Think I ended up bending at three or four locations on each side. I took my time and within 15 minutes or so had the frame sitting perfectly flat on the 1/8? cardboard spacer. Also had to flex the aft bow a little aft as well ? then re-tweaked the frame a little more to perfect the fit because it moved a little while flexing the aft bow in position.

Hope this may be of help.

Happy Building,

Both John's,

Suggestions came from Vans along with the idea of using spacers on top of the front hoop (anybody else had to do this??)
Frame definitely not damaged in transit. Excellently packed as I stated before.
Lies flat along sides with minimal tweak. 7/16" gap at front also achieved with minimal tweak.
The hoop itself is another matter. It looks like it has been welded in too low. When trying to bend this up a bit is when the side weld gave way.

Jim D
My frame was about the only part in the whole kit that did not fit well. I had to (carefully) tweak the frame in several places to get it to fit.

I used a variety of informal tools including wooden blocks and foot pressure. Again, go slow....