
Well Known Member
I'm currently working on the canopy frame and it looks perfect everywhere except up top by the roll bar. The bow on the frame is around 1/2" taller than the roll bar. My slider rails are trimmed and sitting perfectly flat on top of the fuselage rails. I know I can trim the tubes where the roller brackets slide in but it still won't be enough to get the frame level with the roll bar. Not sure what my options are. Anyone found a fix for this?

The frame should not be level with the roll bar. The canopy has a pretty steep slope there. You will need to use the canopy to determine exactly how much higher the canopy bow needs to be than the roll bar, then trim the tubes you mentioned.

Thanks, this makes sense. I was planning on holding off cutting my canopy until I had all my wires done and the forward top skin riveted. I'll just leave the frame as is for now. I know I can fit the canopy with the top skin clecoed in place but i figured I'd just wait.

Thanks Again