Well Known Member
I know there are some other threads on this...............

The plans call for a 1/8'' gap at the front, minimum 1/8" gap on the sides relative to the canopy frame and 1/32" at the rear (aft canopy).

It appears with ours that some trimming will need to occur at the rear. In fact, there is a slight overhang of maybe 2-3/32" in places. Would it be best to fit the front to the 1/8" gap and match drill and cleco per plans, then when the canopy is "rigid" to the frame, trim by sanding at the rear to get the proper clearance to the aft canopy?

Also, per section 5, the temps should be 75-80 degrees? Is that necessary to drill?
My canopy experience ...

Here is where my log starts on the canopy. It extends for quite a few entries from there. Hope reading through this might help.

My advice is to take this process very slowly and deliberately. I did my canopy work, especially the drilling and cutting, at 80 degrees or better. I don't know if that was necessary, but I was intimidated by all the horror stories of cracked plexi. It worked for me - I will never know if I really needed it that hot in the shop.