
Well Known Member
Hello everyone

I am working on the canopy at the moment and I am trying to figure out what to do with the edge of the cut. What do people do to the edge of the "big cut" to finish it where the slider buts up to the windscreen? Is it just a sand smooth and leave? or are there other options?

Would appreciate some comments and pics.

Thanks All

A box cutter blade

I had great success with a new sharp box-cutter blade on a surface that had only been sanded with an 120 grit before hand. I had started with an 80 grit glued to a long board so the edge was straight and was ready for finishing.

The blade was held in my fingers; not in its handle.I held it almost vertical and just scraped it along the cut with the cutting edge slightly trailing. The finish is very smooth and dark, though not a mirror or 'flame polished' edge
A vixen file will work well after the 80/100 grit sanding.

It seems to act more like a wood plane and takes off the high spots leaving a smooth edge behind.

Careful of the edges though, sharp plexiglas edges can cut like a Sheffield steel knive.
bevel and sand

Hi Jim,

I used a plexiglass edge scraper I purchased from Avery Tools to bevel the edges. I then sanded smooth using various grades of sandpaper. Inspect with a magnifying glass and by touch to ensure all sharp edges have been removed.

Thanks for your replies everyone. The way this forum works as an instant source of information is amazing.


Canopy Trim

I made a plywood template and used 3M spray adhesive to stick it to the frame. Best fit the canopy to the frame and slid it .030-.050 forward of the template. Clamped it all down and used a belt sander to take the canopy edge down to the template. Worked very well and gave me a nice clean cut.


