
Well Known Member
I'm about to rivet the canopy decks to the main longeron. Although the instructions didn't say to, it occured to me I might want to rivet the side skins to the main longeron in the canopy deck area before riveting the canopy decks. Have other builders done this?

Thanks in advance.

I don't rivet any part of the forward fuse, including the aft canopy decks (there are forward decks, also) together until it's entirely fabbed, fitted, and drilled. Everything, as in "all", including upper forward fuse, instrument panel, center covers, vents, and plumbing. The tail cone and center section are riveted, but clecoed together upright on horses (not upside down per instructions). It's so much easier to fit up all the longerons, bulkheads, everything, forward of F-704 when you can take the entire fuse apart and put it back together as needed for access. A real treat is having the forward bottom skin and firewall removeable for tube bending. There are plenty of paint-yourself-into-a-corner opportunities where the instructions will send you if you go strictly by them - and sometimes they make broad leaps to leave you wondering when and what is in between. Keep your wits about you regarding tight clamping and clecoing temporary installation(s) of pieces, and removing/reinstalling repeatedly, to establish and maintain angles and fit around corners so everything continues to mate up as the structure becomes more rigid with added components. Make sure there is no fuse twist if you skip past fitting the aft deck under the emp to leave even the full-length longerons loose.

John Siebold
Yes, I riveted all the side skin to longeron holes I could before the canopy decks. Just make sure to skip the holes with overlapping top skins. I am just about ready to rivet the decks on myself.
There is a plan sheet, don't remember the number, that shows all the skin rivet call outs. This sheet is really clear on which holes you can rivet before the top skins are in place. The canopy decks is one of those areas. I believe there are 22 rivets in the cabin area on each side you can rivet. These are betwee the 704 and 705 bulkheads. Also there is an area in the aft deck area that can be done. Everything behind the 709 bulkhead can be done. This allows you to get these done before the aft deck boxes you out.

The canopy deck is a similar situation. Once the decks are in place you would not be able to buck the longeron area at all. This is one area I feel Vans has done a pretty good job in with the instructions.

And as always gives you all the extra steps that would get you in trouble. I think Van's should hire Dan full time for his help on other models. :)
flybill7 said:
It occured to me I might want to rivet the side skins to the main longeron in the canopy deck area before riveting the canopy decks.

I ended up doing it both ways. On the right side, I riveted the canopy deck to the longerons before the side sides. On the left side I riveted the side skins -- except for some left open per the plans -- to the longeron first, then the canopy decks.

Both ways work but I'd recommend riveting the side skins to the longerons first, then the canopy decks. Study the plans carefully, though, as always.

... Bill