
Active Member
Hi All,
I'm working on installing the side skins on page 23iS/U-07 (rev. 0) of the KAI. In step 7 it says to "Rivet...F-01234-L-1 & -R-1 to the fuselage as shown."

In figure 1, on the right side of the fuselage there is a dotted box which identifies an area where CS4-4 rivets are to be used to attach the canopy deck (F-01234-R-1) to the longeron (F-01255-R-1). There are also three rivet holes which are marked with triangles, indicating that they are to be left open. The remaining holes on F-01234-R-1 do not indicate the rivet type and I couldn't find anywhere else in Figure 1 where it is called out, or on page 23iS/U-10 Figure 1 (which has the callouts for the side skins). Usually there is a "LP4-3 typical except where called out" or similar notation but I don't see any here...

I don't believe these holes should be left empty because they're not marked that way and if I had to guess I'd assume they are LP4-3 rivets but maybe I'm missing something?

Any ideas?


I think if you look at the notation beside Step 4 you'll see they call for CS4-4 rivets inside the area denoted by the box but the other 9 holes aft of the three marked with triangles are the standard Lp4-3.
I am referring to notation next to step 4 in my original post when I stated the "...dotted box which identifies an area where CS4-4 rivets are to be used..."

I agree that the other 9 holes aft of the three marked with triangles are most likely LP4-3 but I'm wondering where that is actually stated in the KAI? They are very specific with rivet callouts on this page and on page 23iS/U-10 Figure 1 so I'm wondering if this is an omission or if I'm just missing it?

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In my copy of the plans there's a note in the last sentence of Step 7 to "See 23iS/U-10 Figure 1 for rivet locations" and that page indicates all the rivets to be used. Do you have that page?
As I noted in my original post:

"I couldn't find anywhere else in Figure 1 where it is called out, or on page 23iS/U-10 Figure 1"

the figure on page 23iS/U-10 only gives rivet callouts for the side skins, not the canopy deck (F-01234-L-1 & -R-1)
Haven’t got plans handy, but if it’s 3 holes at right angles to the longeron, they’re for the roll bar brace.
Cheers, DaveH
I think you're probably referring to what I noted in my first post were: "...three rivet holes which are marked with triangles, indicating that they are to be left open."

I'm asking in regards to the 9 holes aft of these three holes which are neither marked with "do not rivet" triangles, nor do they have a rivet type called out (that I could see, anyway).

You keep correcting people as they make some other interpretation of your question. I think that's because we all made the assumption that the LP4-3 is appropriate there and moved on. I get a sense from your replies that you won't be satisfied with answers that lack a reference to documentation.

You should call Van's and get an answer straight from them. You should also come back here and post what you learned in case someone else gets stuck on the same thing.

I think you're probably referring to what I noted in my first post were: "...three rivet holes which are marked with triangles, indicating that they are to be left open."

I'm asking in regards to the 9 holes aft of these three holes which are neither marked with "do not rivet" triangles, nor do they have a rivet type called out (that I could see, anyway).

Quite the opposite, I believe there ISN'T something in the documentation which identifies these as LP4-3 so I AM interested in what other folks did. I would be happy to hear "yeah, I couldn't find that either so I just used LP4-3's" so at least I know I haven't missed anything. But most of what I got was more like "no, no it is in the plans right here" when in fact it's NOT and I included all the information (page #, plans rev, part numbers) in my original post. I IMMENSELY appreciate that people take the time to help and support other builders on this forum but I believe it is in everyone's interest to clearly differentiate facts from speculation. As I noted above, I would be happy to have facts (yeah dummy, you missed it in the plans right here) OR speculation (I couldn't find it either so I did this) but when I get speculation passed off as facts, all of which are clearly addressed in my original post, yeah... I'm gonna point that out, I would hope and expect someone would do the same to me.

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