
Well Known Member
3 months ago, if you asked me about cutting the canopy, I would start to sweat profusely, dry mouth and maybe even wet myself just thinking about the scary big cut. about 2 weeks ago I decided, what's the big deal....can't be that tough....plenty of people have safely made the cut. So trimmed the front, rough fit it to the frame. no sweat. Today I finally had time to make the split.
The shop was only 70*F, but in 30 minutes my double shop lights had it >85.


15 minutes later. perfect split

I can now move it around by myself.

Cutting the canopy turned out to be like many of the tasks...EASY. I used Vans supplied disks in my Mac air drill @ medium speed, lots of shallow passes and light pressure until it was ready to fall apart.

I'm happy to contribute my misfortune to keep you on the good side of the equation. Cutting the thing in half really is no big deal. Drilling turned out to be the danger area for me. Just keep the plexi hot and make sure the canopy is not under stress from clamps or whatever where you're drilling. Or even better - sikaflex Rocks.

As I've malented here, I'm in the cracked canopy club. I waited 6 months between canopies to dread the second go round. Now #2 is done, and I'm very satisfied with the result, and even happier to have that task behind me. I do think the canopy is the worst part of the kit as the darn thing is wobbly and shifty right up till you're done.

Funny thing is that I held on to the cracked canopy just up to today. We'll find out if the trash dude will pick up the canopy or if I have to break it down into smaller sizes.
thank you for your sacrifice. I like the idea of sikaflex, but will probably stay with the tried and true method(ok I'm cheap).
How do you draw the cut line on the tape perfectly straight and even?

"perfectly straight" is totally relative to each builder. The canopy is best approached like a personal art project. You're own satisfaction will follow.
How do you draw the cut line on the tape perfectly straight and even?

I didn't.

I folllowed Checkoways method except where he put little marks in the groove of the rollbar, I stretched a string. Once the rollbar is taped up, the indent of the groove is almost perfectly in the middle. Stretching the string tight and taping it down in a few places gave me a very straight line. then with the canopy in place I trimmed the forward contact with 702 skin until I was within 1/2" of the rollbar. Next I used tape and my Mark I eyeball to keep everything aligned nice and tight. Added a second tape line ~1/16" aft of the first one. 1/16" is about the width of the Vans cutting disc. It was not perfect, but is closer than you can cut it.
Good job! It really is not hard at all, just a $$$$$$ sign looking at you that makes it hard to start. Actually, it's a good think it through process for moving forward.

Nice Work!
Brian, I hate to point this out but you cut the windshield way to far back. Oh wait, it's not a slider but a tip up. My bad. When drilling holes do it at higher speeds, let the drill do the work and never ever stop the drill until the hole is drilled and the drill bit is back out of the hole. Besides my RV I did two TBM Avenger canopies and turrets. About 6-700 screws per airplane. I got lots and lots of practice. Don