I was riveting the canopy and skirt to the canopy rails and a crack appeared right after I hand squeezed about the 10th rivet. Is this canopy trash or how do I fix this? I'm also wondering why this happened. It was 68 in my garage when this happened. Maybe too cold?

I was thinking I could drill this out then extend the fiberglass on the skirt upwards to cover my work. Looking for suggestions. This is 3 weeks worth of frustrating work to get to this point, I hope I don't have to start over!!!:mad::mad:


Thanks guys!

Eric Rosel
Possible solution

So....I think the problem is the canopy holes aren't oversized enough. My game plan is to drill out rivets, notch out canopy to eliminate the crack, fill notch with flox, then build up canopy skirt to cover notch. Also going to oversize all the canopy holes to a #22 before riveting back together.

What Plane?

A photo and more information would help. Can't not see the photo as it is not public.




A little late now but, I would have simply stop drilled the crack. Then I would have proceeded with drilling the rest of the holes to proper size and setting your rivets. If you didn't encounter any other issues then I would have raised the skirt as you suggested. You could most likely cheat the skirt up with fiberglass and not actually relocate everything if that makes sense? Not sure what you accomplished by removing the entire hole?

I've cut and drilled canopies in 54-55 degree hangars before with no issues so your temp wouldn't have bothered me a bit and should have been fine. Holes size is important when the fastener is installed as you suggest.

Anyway no harm done and best to you in getting the canopy completed. Could have been much worse.
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It's been a while since I finished mine, but are you sure you are using the "soft" rivets for the canopy?

Glad to see the crack was low enough to make an alternate plan!