
Well Known Member

Got my canopy cover from RDog and Jetguy. It's a nice fit and some thought was put into the attachments. Rear straps wrap around the flapperon connects. Front strap goes through nosegear. Plenty of velcro on the straps will let me lift the rear of canopy, tighten down cover on very hot days. I don't believe this one of those covers that will be flapping around in the breeze.

flying 66 hours
You Make the call!

I wonder what those two are working on next.
Glad you asked that question, Here is a little something which should be up on the web site by the end of the week. You might call it the, "Bob Hope Nose fairing". It smooths out the transition where the Vertical stab attaches to the Fuselage. Of course it not painted yet in these pictures. It attaches using the front two screws on both sides of the vertical stab.
Disclaimer: These Fairings and more to come are not made to make your RV12 go faster (that would be breaking the rules), But are here to make your plane fly the same speed on a lower fuel burn and maybe more aesthetically pleasing to the eye according to the beholder. (No we have no documented evidence to say this will actually occur) After all Experimental Pilots Make The Call ;)




Sign me up

Let me be the first to say "I want one!" Put me on the list. My plane is apart for painting and now is the time.

Sign me up for a nose job too. Don't worry about documented evidence for fuel burn reduction, anecdotal observations will be fine. We can work out the sub-120kts speed conversion from there. :)
wonderful new ideas

If you guys ever need any of your wonderful new ideas produced in large quantity, call me. I can get it done at the right price.
New RV12 Step Fairing.

Got a new fairing to add to the line up.


Heres a few other shots:




What do you guys think?:rolleyes:
I love the step fairings, keep up the good work. I wish your V Stab fairing followed thru and went back, ending at the rudder though.
Any plans for main gear leg fairings yet?