
Well Known Member
Hello all,
I use the canopy cover Vans offers and my neighbor (RV-3, RV-6) uses no cover. He feels the cover traps grit that over time micro scratches the canopy.
He washes his plane a couple of times a month pre-spraying the canopy, then Turtle Wax car soap.
It has me wondering. What say you.

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How does his wax job do at keeping water out of the plane when it rains? My cover covers all of the seams so even when it's pouring and the plane is tied down, it's still dry inside. Also, I'd rather have a white cover on a hot sunny day than have all that solar energy beamed into the cockpit...to each his own!
I use the cover for rainy days or when the airplane is going to be sitting on a ramp at 95+ degrees for any length of time. It's a breakeven between baking your avionics and scratching the canopy. Neither will last forever.
I use the cover for rainy days or when the airplane is going to be sitting on a ramp at 95+ degrees for any length of time. It's a breakeven between baking your avionics and scratching the canopy. Neither will last forever.

I do as Greg does. When I remove the cover, shake and fold fuzzy side ?in? and after 9 years I don?t seem to see any scratches.
Another "pro" for the canopy cover is security when stored outside -- "Out of sight, out of mind". Every little bit helps.

I use one when traveling and the plane has to sit outside. Keeps the rain out and keeps the sun from baking the inside so bad things come un-glued and fade...
I polish my entire canopy every few years anyway, so micro-scratches from a canopy cover would just get polished out with any other scratches.

I'm in the "pro" camp for cabin covers when the airplane is parked outside on a ramp.
I've been fanatical about keeping the canopy cover clean.
After several years, still like new.

Besides keeping sun and rain out, the other important factor: It keeps peeping eyes out.
Expensive avionics and headsets are not visible, so somewhat safer from theft than being left in plain sight.
Good points......let?s us consider only when in a hanger. Outside we agree covers are good, good latching to minimize flapping.
I was thinking only when in a hanger.
Oops.... I don?t think most of us considered the benefits of covering the canopy in the hangar. In fact, I don?t think I?ve ever seen someone put on a canopy cover on in a hangar. The only reason I can think of for doing that would be to keep snooping eyes from looking inside your cockpit when you keep your plane in a community hangar. If I felt I couldn?t trust the fellow renters in a community hangar, I think I would move. Why would someone put a canopy cover on and risk eventually wearing on the canopy when there is virtually no benefit in doing so? You must have a reason?
Oops.... I don?t think most of us considered the benefits of covering the canopy in the hangar. In fact, I don?t think I?ve ever seen someone put on a canopy cover on in a hangar. The only reason I can think of for doing that would be to keep snooping eyes from looking inside your cockpit when you keep your plane in a community hangar. If I felt I couldn?t trust the fellow renters in a community hangar, I think I would move. Why would someone put a canopy cover on and risk eventually wearing on the canopy when there is virtually no benefit in doing so? You must have a reason?

A canopy cover (or a sheet) keeps airborne dust and grime from settling on your canopy. Without a cover, there's enough dust around that I generally have to clean the canopy before every flight.
My old hangar was very dusty. My current one is not. That made a difference to when I use the windshield cover on my non-RV. I don't use it in my present hangar; I did in that previous one.

A note on washing, especially if you made your own canopy cover. Follow the directions, if there are any, or else use cold wash, cold rinse, and air dry only.

Slight thread drift, but here's another option

If you're travelling light, rather than taking your regular canopy cover try taking a roll of cling film (food wrap) and using a piece to seal the canopy join if it rains.

Weighs nothing, takes no space, only used once so no grit retention / scratch problems.

I'd be the first to admit, not the best in bright sun - but if the problem is rain its often not that sunny anyway.
incidentally, my RV lives on a chicken farm. It's a disaster for airborne grit & dust.

I make sure the canopy is clean (microfibre / Plexus) and put my canopy cover on. I then cover the aeroplane fuz with Auto Paint Shop overspray protection film.

The brand I use is called "top gun" (really !) - Its a very thin statically charged plastic that comes on a 50 metre roll for about ?30 ($50) I can make a roll last about 2 years. The static charge makes it cling to the aircraft - its made a huge difference to the condition of the paint & canopy.
I open the hanger daily to take advantage of the SE breeze and keep the temps down. That brings with it a light amount of dust over a few weeks. The cover is purely for dust while in my hanger.

I use the travel cover outside and uncovered in the hangar.

On higher wind days, tree branches and other debris get blown around the airport; the cover gives the canopy a better chance of not getting scratched by all that. And it does keep the direct sunlight off of the interior. And absolutely keeps the rain out.

I think the risk of micro-scratches (which I?ve not seen) is greatly outweighed by the need to protect the canopy.

P.S. wash your canopy cover once in a while...
I?ve used sheets for that while in the hangar a few times, but I cover the whole airplane. My wife knows not to throw away old sheets - they?re too useful in my hangar. And so are all the old towels and t-shirts. Before I put a clean sheet over my canopy, I make sure the canopy is clean first. When I clean my canopy I usually just use water and the palm of my (clean) hand.
With all the discussion on canopy covers, where is the best place to get a custom cover made? A friend just paid $400 for his! I'm too cheap for that, so trying to find another option.

Even looking at buying triple layer micro-fleece material and making my own.

Our plane is in a hangar, but looking for something to use on long x-country trips when parked on the ramp.
I use old sheets on the wings and the canopy cover on the canopy, when parked in the hangar. With a polished finish, the sheets keep the dust off that causes scratches in the shine when cleaning. The canopy cover keeps dust off the canopy that I think would be a lot worse for micro-scratches than the installation/removal of a cover.
Cheap "in hangar" cover

It pretty amazing how much dust and debris comes into the hangar even when the hangar door is closed. I use an inexpensive micro fiber blanket bought on Amazon. I just trimmed it a bit to avoid overhang and wash it every month.


Bruces Covers work very well for outside

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Tons of dust blown under and around the hangar doors. Cover keeps it off the canopy along with any errant bird droppings.

13 years with cover constantly installed inside or outside.
