
Well Known Member
After a long time covered with the protective coating, I took it off my canopy today. What have others found best for removing the remnants of adhesive, and what is a good thing to clean and maintain it?
Cleaning the glue residue on plexi

Hardware stores carry "Goof Off". Works well on tape residue and stuff like that. Also 3M makes a general purpose adhesive remover sold in auto supply stores....Whatever you use, test it on a hidden place or a oiece of scrap first ! !
For general cleaning/polishing I really like Plexus. A bit pricey, but a can lasts a long time. Don, does this imply you are actually getting close to flying that bird?
Got an AW certificate procedure scheduled for later this month!

For general cleaning/polishing I really like Plexus. A bit pricey, but a can lasts a long time. Don, does this imply you are actually getting close to flying that bird?
As followup, I used goof-off for cleaning the tape residue, worked like a charm! Finished it off with cleaning with Plexus, and now it looks like a showplane canopy!
I did not get my airworthiness certificate, failed the test! Now I feel so rotten about the whole deal, I seem to have NO ambition to continue the project, mostly just badly depressed I think. I am taking off for a two week vacation, maybe I will feel like working on it again then. Maybe not.

Sorry to hear about the inspection, but I'm sure you can knock out the punch list without too much trouble. What kind of things did the DAR call out?
According to your kit log page, it seems the inspection did not occur at all. If this is the case, why did the DAR not agree to do it? Could you have local FSDO do it instead?
Or not! Right now I am so disgusted and depressed, I am considering selling it as is.

Hey Don, You have too much blood sweat and tears in your 12 to give it up now. What was his deal? It can't be all that bad. Surely he gave you some fixes that would satisfy him, or you need to find a different DAR. Don't give it up. Take a break and hang in there. You can't be that far from the finish line. I'll be waiting for your success story.

Hey Don. Some of us have been around since the start of your build. We've followed the story this far, admired the sometimes innovative approach you took, such as reversing the main gear legs, first engine start with towbar still attached, one-man wing removal gadget and other neat ideas. We've helped you find lost parts, shown you where to look in the plans, and provided plenty of advice even if it wasn't always wanted. You can't stop now.

I have also followed your journey from the beginning and have shared your highs and lows with my wife.

You have two supporters here who won't accept any end of the story except full throttle, raising the nose slightly and AF1 takes to the sky!

Take a little time off and then share with us. VAF is here to support you in any way possible.

I can't tell you how many times building something I did something wrong and got disgusted. I learned to walk away for a day or two and then come back and fix it. That overnight time off is a real attitude adjuster.
Or not! Right now I am so disgusted and depressed, I am considering selling it as is.

Don...Ditto to what the other guy have stated! Step back..take some time off from your project; let the creative juices start flowing..Make the necessary changes (get a different DAR) and run it up the flag pole again.

You know darn well you've put too much blood, sweat and tears in to walk away now!