
Well Known Member
Quick question guys... I have a canopy closed annunciation light that lights up when the canopy latch is unlatched. The micro switch is at the latch mechanism. 12 volts comes from the bus to the light on one side and I assume the micro switch completes the ground when canopy is open on the other side of the light. I have a AFS 4500 EFIS that has input lines that will give canopy verbal and annunciations on the screen when the line is sunk to ground. Would it be okay to connect the AFS 4500 input wire to the ground side of that canopy light without doing damage to the system being that power is on the other side of the light and lit when canopy is open?
Is it an LED light? If so, you should be ok. If you are concerned, you can always put a high-value resistor (450k+) on the EFIS wire.

I have my parking break wired the same (LED lights w their own current-limiting resistors) to the Dynon (no extra resistor). No issues yet.