
Well Known Member
I bought a used G5 for experimental. In configuration mode, I have access only to few settings. For example, in cannot select attitude indicator type, Aircraft V speeds, etc.

In device information I see that “SFD2” is checked and I cannot uncheck it or select other options. When I open it I see the title is Standby Flight Display 2 Information. Part no is 006-B2304-44

Anyone has an idea how I can set this unit up?
This is typical of what you would see on a G5 that is interfaced with a G3X system. If you are using this G5 in a standalone installation (no G3X) you will need to go to the Device Information page in in config mode, scroll all the way to the bottom, and change the "Device Type" item from "G3X Backup" to "Standalone Instrument".

The other thing that comes to mind is that you might have this unit wired to be unit #2 (SFD2). Check to make sure the ID pin is not grounded.
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I believe you nailed it Matt.

The unit is setup as Standalone and I see no option for G3X.

That said, it was previously setup as the second device (owner had two G5 and I purchased the one he was using as an HSI). So I am pretty sure that when I go back to hangar tomorrow and open the connector I will find that Unit ID is set to no 2. :)
