
I have been a part of the RV world for a very long time, and RVs have been the source of vast amounts of happiness for me and my father for years. My dad is now too elderly to fly and he has sold his 6. I have a partial RV8 kit, tail done, wings started. I was diagnosed last September with stage 4 colon cancer and am undergoing chemo treatments regularly.

I would like to know if there is anyone in the Charlotte, NC area that would entertain helping me work on my -8? I just cannot do this by myself. I really need help. I truly want to keep the project moving forward as its a way of giving me hope for the future. Any ideas or help is truly appreciated.

Thank you,

Prayer for you and to find the help you need. God is good all the time and all the time God is good!
I am saddened to hear of your cancer battle. I have been there and know what you are going through. Hang tough! It will get better.

I wish I were closer to you. I would be honored to help a fellow cancer survivor. I know someone must be nearby that will get with you.

Please keep us updated on your progress, with the project and with your treatments.

P.S. would welcome an opportunity to talk anytime. Send me a PM if you would like to do so.
I would be useless helping you build but I will be happy to take you flying if you need a motivational flight! PM me if interested. I am out of 14A.
Prayers sent your way. I also have stage 4 cancer and am undergoing chemo treatments, I just did my 7th one. Mine got a lot easier after the 3rd or 4th one. I am still pushing forward on my -7 doing a little as I am able to. Hang in there and be brave.
Hi Scott,

Very sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I am about to start on an RV-10, ordering the Emp in May. I just got my tools in so I don't have any experience working on the plane yet, but would be willing to help you as best I can.

I am just outside of Rock Hill. PM me and we can see if we can set something up.

I was diagnosed with Stage 4 lymphoma in early 2019. I was in the middle of my -9A build. The chemo treatments did not slow me down too much but the subsequent bone marrow transplant took me out of action for about four months. I needed the build project to get me up and moving around each day, and I could see progress as I was able to work longer each day as I recovered. I was fortunate my project was at my house, and I had several friends and fellow builders available for help when needed. Check out your closest EAA chapter if possible. Don't give up; you will find a way.