Ron B.

Well Known Member
I'm building an RV-14. With wings ready for pre-cover inspection and tail kit soon to be completed I thought I would be able to get the pre-cover inspections out of the way. I'm being told that the fuselage will require a pre-cover as well. I don't recall getting a pre-cover on the RV-10 ( we might have , I will look that up) . Any other Canadians out there that remember having a fuselage pre-cover done by MD-RA? Other than under the baggage floor and by your feet floor , everything else should be visible at final inspection. The floors are pop riveted if I remember correctly.
On my SuperCub fuselage, there are many places that cannot be seen when finished so I understand a pre-cover there.
Yup, they want to look at the fuselage too. I got the whole thing done at one visit, expensive enough as it is. Don't cover anything up or I understand they'll make you take it apart again... If the floors are the only factor, maybe put them in after... Final inspection should be ready to fly. Any doubts, talk to MDRA to clarify.

I saved some coin by calling in my MD-RA inpector to inspect my entire QB
RV7a at one time. So, wings, emp and fuse were done in one visit............
one invoice.
pre cover

Ron, I certainy had a pre cover inspection on my RV10 fuselage (last summer) by the MDRA. We placed the sticker up under the rear seat back supports. It was a relatively easy inspection compared to the wings and tail.
Good luck with the new project.
Southampton, Ont
Similar response for composite fuselages... I had to have a pre-cover inspection done on our Glasair Sportsman fuselage, even though the aluminum flight surfaces had previously had a pre-cover inspection done.

Wayne came over to the shop and did the pre-closing inspection on the tail, wings, and fuse all at the same time. I didn't see him again until the final inspection.
Cdn Precover

I had my RV-8 fuselage in progress when the wing precover was done. My MD-RA "requested" another precover on the fuselage prior to putting the top skin on. His reason was that it would be to difficult to get inside with the top skin on and all the way back to the tail. So, I payed for a second precover. I have had to crawl down there many times since, but I'm not a big guy.
justa curious guy from south of the frozen line, what does this pre-cover usually cost?

bob burns
RV-4 N82RB
Big bucks

$395 plus taxes, then the inspectors mileage to come and go to the inspection location. Usually around $500 in total.

I had my RV-8 fuselage in progress when the wing precover was done. My MD-RA "requested" another precover on the fuselage prior to putting the top skin on. His reason was that it would be to difficult to get inside with the top skin on and all the way back to the tail. So, I payed for a second precover. I have had to crawl down there many times since, but I'm not a big guy.

Seems a bit over zealous. I think many inspectors will size up your skill level pretty fast without inspecting every rivet. In most projects, the build standard improves dramatically as you progress, so if your workmanship is OK on the tail it will be good on the fuse.
The only major thing to look carefully at in the aft fuse is the elevator control run - easily done without crawling into the tail cone.
Other than a deterrent (less visits), even though the inspectors volunteer I'm sure they don't want to de out all the time. Why would it make any difference to head office how many visits a pre-cover requires for the $395 fee?
I'm not a "because" kind of guy, I like knowing why things are the way they are.