
Well Known Member
Does anyone have any information about best agents/carriers for insuring a RV in Ontario? Thanks in advance.

Join copa, ($40 a year or so) and they offer a program most local pilots use. Silver wings, gold wings etc based on your needs. I believe its pretty fair as I know many using it for their birds. I think all the info is on their website.

If you are a member of COPA (Canandian Owners and Pilots Assn) they have a group policy that is quite good but you need to maintain your membership for the policy to be valid.
Park Insurance here in BC appears to be popular with some of the local owners. I don't know if they would be interested in covering an aircraft in Ontario, but it never hurts to ask.
Park sends me a request to quote fairly often here in Nova Scotia, so one would assume they are nation wide. For the COPA program , one needs to have their main residence in Canada ,I do believe.
I get mine through Marsh (the COPA program). I got quotes from Park and Marsh and they about the same.

Sheppard in Edmonton, Park in BC use the same underwriter which is AIM underwriting for RV's. Marsh insurance, which is through COPA is good. I recently switched for the reason that with Marsh, you actually are insuring yourself to fly your aircraft instead of the aircraft for liability, meaning that once you are insured you can fly any aircraft that you own or rent and you are liability covered. You still need whatever hull insurance you require on every plane. Also all of your family members are insured through your liability insurance as well through Copa. I did find that Copa insurance has a little cheaper Hull not in motion premium than Sheppard insurance who quoted me. Hope this helps.