
I'm New Here

First time poster, long time lurker. Any chance you folks are working on a GTR200 version with Nav/Com for the experimental market? Remote mounted would be the cat's meow. I've decided I want to go with the Garmin G3X Touch system (Dual 10", Dual ADHRS) with at least a GTN625 GPS and the integrated Autopilot Servos and GMC 307 Control Head and GMA200 audio panel but that eats up all of my available panel space (I'm already assuming I'm going with a remote mounted GTX 23ES transponder). This seems to be about the only real hole left in your "experimental" lineup of products.

In Canada, we need to have a second discrete IFR Nav source (so upgrading to the 650 won't work for me as much as I would like it to) so was looking for something like a remote mounted Com/Nav source that could get me a radio and integrated ILS/VOR - ideally near the price point of the GTR200 would be if it had an integrated Nav radio like the GNC 255A. I don't have room for one of those even if I didn't mind paying $2K more than the GTR.

I'd go with the GNC 635 for its integrated radio but your discount for the GNC 625 when purchased with the G3X doesn't apply so that extra radio capability would cost me almost $5K - $6K for the Nav side which I'd love but can't use because of the 2nd discrete source requirements for Canada.

I've found remote mounted radios but no remote mounted Nav/Com - although Val Avionics has a separate Nav remote radio but I don't know anything about them and it doesn't look like they play that well with the G3X.

I'm open to any suggestions. I want the 10" displays because these old eyes need it (and I have to be able to see the Co-Pilot's display for redundancy). I guess that I could toss the 307 and put in a GNC 255A but I really like the ability to reach over and select the autopilot mode when things get busy rather than hunt around for menu items on the G3X and having the unit available if the pilot side G3X dies is a bonus too (question - could it still be controlled from the Co-pilot's side in that case?).

Hello Brent,

Thank you for choosing a G3X Touch system!

We are sure you appreciate why we don't announce which products are in development. If we announced that Product X is in development, we would have a tough time finishing Product X because we would be constantly answering emails and forum postings asking when this product will be available! :)

The Canadian CAR 605.18 requirement for aircraft operating IMC to be able to "complete an instrument approach" following the "the failure at any stage of the flight of any item of that equipment" is definitely a tough requirement.

Not sure which aircraft you are equipping, but if you could email us that information we are happy to brain storm panel layouts with you.

We agree that removing the GMC 307 to make room for that backup navigator isn't something most of us would want to do. To answer your question, yes if you do not install a GMC 305/307, you could still use the touch screen autopilot control panel on the MFD should your PFD become unavailable.

Thanks for the prompt reply Steve. Watching how responsive you guys are has been a big part of my decision to move to Garmin away from my original thinking on Advanced/Dynon. I figured you would say that about the new product announcements... I can only hope I guess.

I'm shooting for the best equipped Zenith Zodiac CH650B ever :). My panel is tiny (although not as bad as the lower numbered RV's).
Canadian IFR Regulations with Garmin

Thanks for the prompt reply Steve. Watching how responsive you guys are has been a big part of my decision to move to Garmin away from my original thinking on Advanced/Dynon. I figured you would say that about the new product announcements... I can only hope I guess.

I'm shooting for the best equipped Zenith Zodiac CH650B ever :). My panel is tiny (although not as bad as the lower numbered RV's).

Brent, not sure if you are still on the forum as I realize this post is old.

If you are, could you update us on what Garmin units you ended using in your airplane to satisfy the Canadian IFR regulations?

I IFRed my Glasair a while back so I’ve been through the process once. As always with TC you are constrained by both regulations and the interpretation of the guy with the stamp.

Currently in the middle of doing the planning for my 10. I think with current tech, in the South where won’t need to rely on NDBs the minimum would be something like:

G5 as one CDI, Touch as the other, connected to a GPS175 and a GNC255 and wired independently. Make sure the displays are side by side to make the field of view requirements. Any one box or display fails and you can still do an approach.
