It is a beginning..

Well I guess someone gotta start this page so it might as well be me...:D

Here's a link to our little group web site ( Sorry all in French for now ,will try to fix it with Google Translator if possible )

We're a bunch of friends flying to week end breakfasts mostly with RVs but we accept anyone who wants to join the group..

Located near Montreal Mirabel Int'l ( CYMX ) for the most part..

Have a look of the pictures included of previous events held at our grass strip ( 5.2 NM West of CYMX )

Let us know if you're around..


[email protected]
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How do we find out where you guys intend to go on any given weekend? Once spring arrives, we might be able to arrange a few RVers from the Ottawa area to meet up for breakfast or lunch, if we knew where you were going.
Week End Flying

Hi Kevin

''How do we find out where you guys intend to go on any given weekend?''
That is where is gets complicated..;-)

Last summer , we came up with a PDF Form where everyone put down their choice of destination for the week end but it ended up not working as some of us will show up where we thought everyone will be and nobody were there so we reverted back to the e-mail chain where we will suggest a destination and those who were interested in going will simply reply back worked pretty well so I guess that is how we will proceed again this year..

I will ask Gilbert ( RV-4 C-GMYK ) our offical webmaster to put our week end schedule on our website so anyone interested in joining us will know where we will be...

Or just send me an e-mail and I will let you know where the planned destination is... it is sometimes decided at the last minute but normally by thursday we know where we're going..

It will be fun to have other RVs joining us


canuck translation v.3.0

Well I guess someone gotta start this page so it might as well be me...:D

Here's a link to our little group web site ( Sorry all in French for now ,will try to fix it with Google Translator if possible )

We're a bunch of friends flying to week end breakfasts mostly with RVs but we accept anyone who wants to join the group..

Located near Montreal Mirabel Int'l ( CYMX ) for the most part..

Have a look of the pictures included of previous events held at our grass strip ( 5.2 NM West of CYMX )

Let us know if you're around..


[email protected]

Bruno, nice site, and I think you just translated the main page! Fortunately, I've learned quite a lot of French, 6+ years in high skool, and I can barely order a beer! Thankfully, I also hang around the Timmy's quite a bit, and there's always some ex RCAF guys there.... from down east eh?

A?roclub Mirabel inc. est une soci?t? ? but non lucratif.
The Mirabel Flying club is a non-profit society. ( what, airplanes = no profit???)

L'objectif de ce club est de promouvoir l'aviation par diverses activit?s dont la principale est les d?jeuners rencontre des weekends.
Our focus is to promote a variety of aviation activities, mainly meeting for lunch on weekends.
Que vous soyez membre ou non-membre, tous les pilotes sont les bienvenues ? nos activit?s !
Whether you are a member or not, all pilots are welcome at these activities.

Voici le d?but de la saison de vol pour plusieurs, veuillez consulter le nouveau calendrier des destinations pour nos d?jeuners dans l'onglet t?l?chargement. Cette liste sera mise ? jour r?guli?rement.
ummm, you can find here a calendar of places we plan to fly for lunch. The list is changed often.?

Pour une deuxi?me ann?e M. Jean Richer est report? ? la pr?sidence de l'A?roclub Mirabel ainsi que M. Daniel Hach? ? titre de v.p. et secr?taire. F?licitations !
For the last 2.0 years, Mr. Jean Richer held the position of President of our club; Dan Hache v.p. and secretary.

? bient?t.
see you later?'s worse than I thought! No wonder I always get iced tea..instead of Beer! :)
canuck translation v.3.0

Hi Perry

Well looks like you paid attention in High School, pretty good translation mon ami...You don't need your RCAF buddies anymore...

I don't know why Gilbert put that ''No Profit '' thing in there because with airplanes we're always too broke to think about profit...;-)

There will be more activities on the site as we get closer to our flying season

Come back and visit..

