Camrose Fly In Breakfast May 25th

To all RV jockeys in Alberta, don't forget the Camrose (CEQ3) fly in breakfast on May 25th. Runs from 0700 to 1200. Should have over 100 aircraft if the weather is good.

Hope to see you there.:)
Any RV pilots are welcome of course.

Another great fly in that I always try to go to is the Nanton Lancaster Air Museum one. The fly in is at AJ Ranch (CAJ7). Ground transportation to the Lanc Museum is provided. Pancake breakfast starts at 0800. The date is July 19th. ATF 123.0 (call AJ traffic).
The weather is not looking good right now for Sunday at Camrose. We have a monsoon here in Calgary right now. I'll be working on the -10 this weekend rather than flying I guess.
AJ Fly In July 19th

This Saturday is the Nanton Lancaster Air Museum one. The fly in is at AJ Ranch (CAJ7). Ground transportation to the Lanc Museum is provided. Pancake breakfast starts at 0800. ATF 123.0 (call AJ traffic).

Sorry I won't be there- plane is still trapped in the hangar due to taxiway construction.:(
Well ain't this just typical!! Forecast tommorrow here for rain heavy at times, for here anyways!! I have not been able to tend one fly in breakfast this year of the 8 or so that I have wanted to go too. Weather x 8!!!! I feel so sorry for the organizers of these events, and then to have poor turnout cause of weather. Also sorry for myself--I live, and work to fly and eat pancakes! I hope the forecast improves..
Stettler Alberta Hawaiian Fly-In July 28

Fellow RV Flyers and Builders
Our Club is planning a fun fly in with a different theme in late July
If you are interested, contact me via PM or OL.
Please read on for more information
Many Thanks

Cam Andres
Vans RV9A with Aerosport IO360
Into Final Assembly Now

Hawaiian Fly-in

Stettler Flying Club COPA Flight 135, (with much help from transplanted Hawaiian member, Henry Johnson) is thinking about hosting a "Hawaiian Fly-in" on Sunday, July 28th. Now this would be an authentic Hawaiian style Luau BBQ, folks, prepared by an authentic Hawaiian! Menu items might include:
- a whole BBQ hog roasted in an "imu", a traditional Hawaiian underground oven.
- tropical potato and vegetable salads
- pineapple upside-down cake and a traditional Hawaiian coconut pudding called "Haupia"
Cost is expected to be $12.00 per plate

Tentative plans would be for a fly-in only event (aviators and their guests only) with planes welcome to drop in to Stettler Airport at any time from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

So what's this about "thinking"???

Well, we're reluctant to go ahead with a project like this if it's going to conflict with too many other events.

So please reply to [email protected] with your thoughts. Yeah or nay?

Whether you reply as an individual, a COPA Flight or a Flying Club, please suggest numbers of folk thinking of attending, if possible. We just want to know if there's enough interest to run this event, so don't worry if you say yes and your plans change. We won't hold you to it!

We need to decide about this by month-end, so please reply by June 17th.
Please feel free to forward this e-mail to any and all aviators in your area!