
Well Known Member
Got a question as I install my panal upgrade to the Dynon HDX system.
Does it provide a pin for a toga button?

Any other great ideas for the Dynon upgrade please chime in.
If you want to get technical, and who doesn't, there is no TOGA function for the Skyview. There is a GO AROUND function that can be wired to an external button. This would activate the Go Around function, same as pressing the NOSE UP button on the display or the external A/P panel.

It is important to understand what the GO AROUND function does and does not do. It only works when the autopilot is active in VNAV mode (GS or other vertical guidance mode).

When Go Around mode is triggered it will
- Cancel VNAV mode and set into either VS mode at the default climb vertical speed target or IAS move based on the current indicated airspeed. You chose the behavior in setup.
- Lateral autopilot mode changes to TRK mode using the current track
- Aural annunciation "GO AROUND"
- Visual annunciation "ADD POWER"

Go Around mode will not
- do anything unless you are using the autopilot in VNAV mode
- change anything other than what was listed above
- follow a published missed approach procedure. If your IFR navigator provides one, you must reengage NAV mode to use it. Skyview has no vertical guidance available for missed approach procedures.

With all this in mind, it is still a useful function. If you do install a Go Around button, give careful consideration to its location. It will not be very useful if it is away from your normal hand position when you would be initiating a go around. I have mine immediately above my throttle knob and you'll find that most people have done a variation of the same.
That’s a great detailed explanation. Thank you.
Is this out of the 27 pin from the primary screen only correct?
You can connect it to multiple displays (pin 27). You'll find everything you need in the SkyView System Installation Guide, available from the Dynon web site. Get the Pilot Guide and the AutoPilot Tuning Guide as well. They contain everything you need to know - those along with my own experiences is where my answer came from.

I used my Go Around button a couple of hours ago. It is really quite useful for IFR missed approaches.
I just did the screen harnesses today and I did 27 to the primary screen only. Should a single switch to both?
I just did the screen harnesses today and I did 27 to the primary screen only. Should a single switch to both?
The dynon recommendation is to one screen for simplicity (not redundancy). You can wire it to both but a diode needs to be added to the wiring. The instructions are in the installation guide. The only downside to wiring to one screen is that if that screen is down for some reason, the go around button will not work.
I just wired to one screen, that switch is not critical to go thru the process of adding diodes etc. simpler is better.
Skyview Go-Around Button

''Yes it does pin 27''

Does this apply to the Skyview Classic too??


''Yes it does pin 27''

Does this apply to the Skyview Classic too??


From the Dynon SE, Classic, Touch, & HDX Installation Manual
External GO AROUND Button is not supported in SkyView SE. If you intend to install and use SkyView SE, do not purchase or install an External GO AROUND Button.

From that, Classic, Touch & HDX can have the Go Around functionality. SE cannot.
Are the TOGA button functions compatible between Skyview and a Garmin GPS?

I see that the Garmin GPS 175 pin 36 has a remote Go Around button.
If both Skyview and Garmin units are connected to the same Go Around button, what is the overall sequence?

The Garmin button will activate the missed approach procedure.

The Dynon Skyview will do the following:

"Go-around mode changes the AP lateral mode to TRK mode with the approach inbound course as the target. Pitch mode is switched to either IAS or VS mode (dependent on setup) with the default climb VS or IAS selected. An “ADD POWER” annunciation is also provided on the PFD page."

Just wondering if the switch to TRK mode is going to be a problem, since wouldn't the Garmin be driving the HSI mode to the MAP?
Thats a great question. I have the IFD 440. If it’s worth I would add the go around pin on the same button.
"Go-around mode changes the AP lateral mode to TRK mode with the approach inbound course as the target. Pitch mode is switched to either IAS or VS mode (dependent on setup) with the default climb VS or IAS selected. An “ADD POWER” annunciation is also provided on the PFD page."

Just wondering if the switch to TRK mode is going to be a problem, since wouldn't the Garmin be driving the HSI mode to the MAP?

I do wish this wasn't included in the Go Around behavior. It works as described, when you press the button, the HDG/TRK bug will sync to the final approach coarse and the autopilot roll mode changes to TRK. Since typically you reach MDA prior to the MAP (at least in all of the approaches I've done), it does seem counter-intuitive to change to TRK mode. In order to have the autopilot fly the missed approach procedure laterally, you need to re-engage NAV mode.

I'm still in training for my Instrument Rating, the Go Around function does simplify the workload at that point in time. Ideally it allows me to concentrate on starting the missed approach climb by only having to add power and, once in a climb, set my climb airspeed and retract flaps. Once I cross the MAP, I need to activate the missed approach on the GPS 175 and I have to remember to re-engage autopilot NAV mode. I'd love to not have to do that.

Having the Go Around button also trigger the GPS 175 to activate the missed approach would be one less thing to deal with. I see no reason it wouldn't work, both system are looking for a pull to ground as the switch signal. I might have to try this next time I feel like pulling wires.
Once I cross the MAP, I need to activate the missed approach on the GPS 175 and I have to remember to re-engage autopilot NAV mode. I'd love to not have to do that.

Having the Go Around button also trigger the GPS 175 to activate the missed approach would be one less thing to deal with. I see no reason it wouldn't work, both system are looking for a pull to ground as the switch signal. I might have to try this next time I feel like pulling wires.

Consider an approach like the RNAV (GPS) 26 KTCY (Tracy, CA). The missed approach procedure calls for a right 180 back to the IAF. Now, most (all?) gps units don’t know your turn radius, so if you immediately (while still on the final approach course) activate the gps missed approach procedure it will try to fly a magenta line from your present position back out to the IAF. Most autopilots will turn the ‘shortest way’, so if your heading happens to be just a few degrees to the left, the autopilot will turn the plane left instead of right, back to the IAF. So when you push the missed approach button and add power, you should then rotate the heading bug (or whatever commands your autopilot) to start a right turn. When you’re sure you’ve got less than 180 deg to go, set the outbound heading with the bug. As you approach the outbound heading, hit unsuspend on the gps, change to gps mode on the autopilot, and you’re all set.
For the guys that are currently using go around buttons, do you guys have the go around pin from the skyview and the pin from the navigator (in my case IFD 440) wire together that way activates on the on both systems? Or it’s not necessary for the IFD440?
So no one is using “go around “ button on the skyview and o the gps?

I have neither with a Dynon HDX and Avidyne IFD 440, and I don't see the real value. I am just getting familiar with all the functionality and integration of the Avidyne, Dynon, and the autopilot and my opinion may change, but these are my thoughts.

The Avidyne will auto sequence to the missed approach at the MAP if you have that functionality set. Otherwise there is a soft key to enable the missed.

On an approach coupled with the autopilot, I want the IFD to always control lateral guidance on the approach and on the missed. I want the IFD to control the vertical guidance on the approach. If I get to the MAP I would press the up button on the AP and apply power, flaps up. The IFD with auto sequence to the missed approach procedure. The AP and IFD will control the lateral guidance and the AP will control the 500 ft/min climb, I could then adjust the climb rate by pressing the up/down button. At some point I would adjust the altitude bug to set where I want to stop the climb.

If I wanted to go missed prior to the MAP, I have the option to go the altitude hold (press alt) which will maintain the current altitude, or the up button to start a climb. The IFD and AP will maintain lateral guidance to the MAP and then auto sequence to the hold procedure.

IMHO, I do not the autopilot to go into track mode on the missed. I want it to stay in Nav mode. So it is just a matter of pressing the Alt or Up button on the AP panel. A remote IFD missed button may be of value, but there is a soft key on the IFD that is easy enough to get to, but the IFD will auto sequence minimizing its value.

I am by no means an expert and I am still working through how my systems all work together. It may be far easier to just disconnect the AP, fly by hand, stay in control of what's happening and then when appropriate reconnect the AP.
I'm flying Dynon HDX and Avidyne IFD440, and for a missed approach I simply hit the VS "up" button on the AP panel, which immediately triggers the go-around mode. The AP will transition to my default climb rate and TRK mode on runway heading. I monitor the transition to climb as I add power, then when I'm comfortably climbing, and past the MAP, I hit NAV on the AP panel to follow the published missed procedure being fed from the IFD440.

Push a button, feed power, push another button, no drama. I don't see what's so hard about this.
Push a button, feed power, push another button, no drama. I don't see what's so hard about this.

The Go Around function is engaged with the external go around button OR the NOSE UP on the autopilot control panel. So the only thing the external button does (if installed in an appropriate location) is reduce hand movement. I like the ability to combine the button press with the advancing of the throttle. But in reality that is the only benefit to the external button.