Wanting F1 tail kit too

I too am interested in an F1 tail kit.

Bill Gill
RV-7 N151WP
Lee's Summit, MO
What's the point of a tail if the rest of kit isn't (and may never again be) available?

mark has plans to put kits together with a composite wing ( i believe) when he gets enough people committed to buy the whole kit or get the wings made. either in a batch production or to pay for the wing mold

until then if you had a tail kit you could get thta out of the way.
I talked to Mark at the Rocket 100 about future kit availability, after seeing his IO-550 beast. Yep, it's WAYcool.

He said he needs some solid commits (meaning backed up with $$ on the table) before he can start providing new kits. Very understandable, since setting up the operation and importing the goods is a monster start-up expense with a lot of risk if buyers aren't there up front.

I don't know what the current status is, and don't want to speak for F1 Boss-man, but if you are seriously interested, get in touch with Mark and see what he needs to get 'em rollin. I got the impression it'd be partial payment for the full kit, with programmed future payments at specified intervals during the build. But again, that's just me relating a brief conversation...I'm sure there's more to it. But perhaps if enough folks want to seriously commit to F1's...hmmm, who knows. Best to talk straight to Mark though...he tells it like it is.

Sure is a beautiful plane though...not sure if I could get my "CFO" to sign on, but boy would it be fun! :)

Interesting. I'll tune into this site to monitor Mark's developments on the matter.

In the absence of the Rocket, I've been strongly looking at the Laser Z2300. Similar type of airplane (two-seat tandem monoplane w/IO-540) but the construction is totally different (tube frame, wood wing). More of a plans-built type than a kit. Could easily be built for same or less money than a Rocket, but the time required is substantially higher.

Yep -- that's about it!

I talked to Mark at the Rocket 100 about future kit availability, after seeing his IO-550 beast. Yep, it's WAYcool.

He said he needs some solid commits (meaning backed up with $$ on the table) before he can start providing new kits. Very understandable, since setting up the operation and importing the goods is a monster start-up expense with a lot of risk if buyers aren't there up front.

I don't know what the current status is, and don't want to speak for F1 Boss-man, but if you are seriously interested, get in touch with Mark and see what he needs to get 'em rollin. I got the impression it'd be partial payment for the full kit, with programmed future payments at specified intervals during the build. But again, that's just me relating a brief conversation...I'm sure there's more to it. But perhaps if enough folks want to seriously commit to F1's...hmmm, who knows. Best to talk straight to Mark though...he tells it like it is.

Sure is a beautiful plane though...not sure if I could get my "CFO" to sign on, but boy would it be fun! :)


Hi Fellas:

Bob has it pretty much in line there. I want to produce another 25-30 unit run of US-built (no imports this time) kits, but with such a small run, it's only gonna work if I have most of 'em sold before I get started. I need 18 folks ready to go -- I have 17 names now...but who can say how many of those 17 still have their jobs? At any rate, once I hit 18, I will contact each person to check status, and go from there.

The fuse/emp/canopy etc will remain as was last produced. As this version will be yet faster (~275KT Vne), I'll have the tail & aft fuse checked for vibe & bending loads before I put it back in production. The spar bulkhead will need to be modified to accept the larger carbon spar -- no planned changes past those.

BTW: the wing will be designed to accept retract gear -- or you can go for the std style fixed gear for simplicity. Personally, I'm headed down the rertract path..

Contact me off list if you are interested -- I'd like to get this moving in 2010! None of us are getting any younger...

Carry on!
Snip> this version will be yet faster (~275KT Vne)...snip...BTW: the wing will be designed to accept retract gear -- or you can go for the std style fixed gear for simplicity. <Snip

Man, can you hang tasty bait in the water, or what! :D

So you gonna move up to Sport class, or straight to Unlimited?! ;)

Well, I guess....

Man, can you hang tasty bait in the water, or what! :D

So you gonna move up to Sport class, or straight to Unlimited?! ;)


Hey Bob:

Dunno -- if I can get 'er slicked up, I will run the 550 in its current form in Sport class next year. Might have to ask Tom Martin to come down and do some of his magic....

As Klaus told me one year: You have to get your HP to approach infinity, and your drag to approach zero. THEN you will have a fast ship!

I think he was pulling my leg. What do you think?:rolleyes:

But to address your question: Yes, I do figure Reno into my calculations.:D

Carry on!
The spar bulkhead will need to be modified to accept the larger carbon spar...no planned changes past those.

Mark - will it be feasible to retrofit the new carbon fiber wing onto already built/flying F1's? This would be great if possible...
Not just yet

Thanks Mark
But to just clarify I can not buy just a tail kit right now?(unless it's secondhand)
Thanks a Bunch

Hey Kirk:

Not just yet. If you are planning to put it on one of the new airframes, might want to wait until we have it investigated re: higher Vne.

Carry on!
That is the plan!

Mark - will it be feasible to retrofit the new carbon fiber wing onto already built/flying F1's? This would be great if possible...

Well, this is our plan to test fly the 1st set of wings (put 'em on the 550 for testing), so it better not be too hard to do!:D

There will be centersection changes -- the width/thickness of the bulkhead assy will be increased to closer to 2", or so I am told. This sort of mod doesn't sound to difficult to me, but I may have a different opinion once we do one!

This sort of procedure will be un-necessary on any new production planes, as the wing/fuse attachment will be built up to fit during initial assembly.

Carry on!
Hey Bob:

Dunno -- if I can get 'er slicked up, I will run the 550 in its current form in Sport class next year. Might have to ask Tom Martin to come down and do some of his magic....

But to address your question: Yes, I do figure Reno into my calculations.:D

Carry on!

Man, if you put Tom's Skunkworks to work on the 550, I'm gonna have to do some serious work of my own (same consultant ;)) just to keep you in the windscreen. And since you were faster than me in Taylor, next time it'll be me trying to catch you from the starting line on! That's gonna take some work...and a few miracles!

Speaking of which, I owe you a call on wheel pants and props! Will do so shortly...and you can toss some more F1 bait in the water! :D

And count me in on the Reno support team!
