
Active Member
Slipped with the pop rivet puller. Now I have two small dings in the right rudder skin that are so small most people would not notice unless I point them out. The skins are not joined yet so if there is a way to smooth them out I’d like to hear it.

I’ll probably leave it and try to forget about it instead of risking worse.
I had the exact same thing happen - got around 10 “outie” dings in my rudder skins. These can’t be fixed with filler and paint.

I was able to work them out using some lubrications and the back of a spoon.


I just tried a variation of this on some scrap. I put masking tape down and rubbed the dent out by hand with a flush set from my rivet gun on top of my back rivet plate. Then removed the tape. I may consider trying this on the real thing. Gonna test on scrap some more first

Edit- I’m gonna leave it be. Not worth it for 2 tiny cosmetic flaws
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Once aluminum is stretched it is next to impossible to remove dents. Fill with body filler before painting. That is what the pros do.