
Well Known Member
Okay here is my deal, I have not flown with any regularity in quite a few years due to the build and life before that. Luckily the build is get close and it's time to take back to the skies! When I got my PPL I flew with a yolk mounted Garmin 196 just as a nice backup. iPads were non-existent in the cockpit then. Can an iPad be used as a backup/nice to have GPS? I'm assuming yes with Foreflight or the like but I wanted to double check that I am headed the right direction. I also would really like to not have to buy charts anymore as I'm right on the intersection of four of them.

Long story short, I doubt my Garmin 196 is worth a darn anymore or even update-able? I would like a better option but don't know what I don't know.

If the iPad is the way to go which one do you recommend?

And yes I have used the search function but it's all kind of hard to follow.

Thanks a milion!
Been using FF for 8 years. Started with iPad2, now using iPad Air. Probably want to buy the most power and memory you can afford. Consider carefully how and where you will mount it. Bigger iPads not always the best for mounting and not blocking things.

Many FF comments on VAF over the years. The iPads and FF are a great tool for Situational Awareness, couldn’t imagine ever this capability when I got my PPL in 1975. The airplane icon sits on the display and the Sectional, IFR low, or IFR high chart slides along underneath you. Add Scout or another device and some Traffic and Weather is available for FREE!

When you put a flight plan (Series of waypoints) in FF a line is generated between each waypoint. While flying you can get ETE, ETA, GSpeed, and many other pieces of info.

CONS: The iPads displays, at full brightness, are not always usable in direct sunshine. Sometimes the iPad overheats and shuts down. My only overheat experience is when the iPad has sat in the sun while parked. Never had an overheat in flight.

Recommend you fly with someone using FF. Another test, next time on airline use FF back in coach. Use Bad Elf or something to give GPS location to the iPad.

My opinions....

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iPad Primer

From your title, I can not resist a snarky reply: Use AKZO or any good epoxy primer. I would recommend against the self-etching primers for this application.

But to be more helpful, I just fairly recently switched to ForeFlight on an iPad. Until recently, I have been using an iFly 720 which has a very bright screen. BTW, I still have the iFly 720 if anyone wants to buy it. PM me an offer.

When I tried FF on an iPad several years ago on an older vintage iPad, I found the screen brightness very disappointing, even with the then-available glare suppressing screen protector. But the newer iPads out now are brighter, and have screens that better reject glare.

I am now using an iPad Mini 4. The mini is just about the right size, I think. I have it on a very short-armed RAM mount with rather limited ability to change screen angle to prevent glare. So far I have been able to move it enough, and I am pretty happy with it.

So, the strong recommendation is to get one of the newest models, at whatever size fits your fancy. As mentioned above, bigger is not necessarily better.
+1 on the mini. Be sure to get one with gps. I happen to like WingX a tad better than Foreflight, but they?re both good.
Have you checked out iPad Pilot News? I think this is a really good iPad related website for pilots. Lots of tips and tricks, and they give equal time to many different apps.
Okay here is my deal, I have not flown with any regularity in quite a few years due to the build and life before that. Luckily the build is get close and it's time to take back to the skies! When I got my PPL I flew with a yolk mounted Garmin 196 just as a nice backup. iPads were non-existent in the cockpit then. Can an iPad be used as a backup/nice to have GPS? I'm assuming yes with Foreflight or the like but I wanted to double check that I am headed the right direction. I also would really like to not have to buy charts anymore as I'm right on the intersection of four of them.

Long story short, I doubt my Garmin 196 is worth a darn anymore or even update-able? I would like a better option but don't know what I don't know.

If the iPad is the way to go which one do you recommend?

And yes I have used the search function but it's all kind of hard to follow.

Thanks a milion!

I run FlyQ EFB on a 10.5in iPad Pro that I used on a knee board. I tried them all several years ago when I was getting back in the cockpit. They all had 30 day free trials. I tested Foreflight, Garmin Pilot, and FlyQ. I settled on FlyQ. At the time, FF and FlyQ were the best of the three, and I purchased FlyQ and got lifetime subscriptions for my Dynon Skyview and my FlyQ EFB on one one of the black Friday deals. The guys at Seattle Avionics just seemed more innovative. After quite a few years, I still love using FlyQ EFB and the integration with Skyview is very nice.

So, I suggest the 10ish in iPad (the air is fine, and weighs 1kb) and try all the EFBs and pick the one you feel most comfortable with.
Another option...iPhone?

I had the normal 10" iPad for a while. Outside the cockpit I find it limited. I prefer the laptop. So I had to sweet talk myself into an iPad for the flying reason...

At the time the mini was super old with outdated hardware but they just update that I think.

So for me the 10" was too big and got in the way in the cockpit. The iPad mini might be a better buy. But my cell was about 6 years old and the battery was ****.
I sold the iPad I went ahed and got the 6.1" iPhone (the cheapest available at the moment). And to be honest I find it is more than enough to fly with. Not even the Garmin GTN 650 is that big! just another idea...
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I went ahead and got the 6.1" iPhone (the cheapest available at the moment). And to be honest I find it is more than enough to fly with. Not even the Garmin GTN 650 is that big! just another idea...

That?s a great idea, the iPhone screen is larger then the GTN-650 display.

My wife just upgraded her iPhone from a 6s Plus to the 11, for the $35 trade in value, it would be a good low cost backup running WingX.
What equipment are you putting in your panel? If you are installing the G3X Touch or Dynon HDX you will probably never look at the iPad. I have ForeFlight on my phone for weather briefings and planning. The PFD/MFD is just so much easier to view and use in the cockpit even when flying IFR.

Spend your time and money to get that bird in the air! You'll have 40 hours to figure out what works best for you in the cockpit.
Personally, I prefer WingX when in-flight, but Foreflight for preflight planning.

Haven't tried the others.

I have the 10" size iPad and it's fine when I'm solo in my side-by-side C180. Just set it on the adjacent seat, or if that's too sunny, in that footwell. But don't expect that I'll be able to use it in the single-seat RV-3B when it's done.

You?ve received a lot of good recommendations!
My advice for what it?s worth...
1 - pick your glass panel first, then choose the combination of iPad and App that will work with your panel.
1a - learn your panel first
2- practice With iPad on the ground, a fast moving Bouncy cockpit is no place to experiment alone (we?ve all tried and failed)
I've used an 11" iPad Pro for the last couple of years, running Garmin Pilot. Since my -14A has been flying (with dual G3X and GTN 750), I almost never refer to the iPad in flight. Its only purpose these days is for GTN database updates and, occasionally, flight plan transfer.
Anyone semi-permanently mount the iPad in the panel? How is the off angle viewing?
Anyone use their iPad flight nave App as primary NAV?
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Get cellular version

Whatever you get, make sure it's the cellular version. It's the only version that has built in GPS. You DO NOT have to have cellular service...

Okay here is my deal, I have not flown with any regularity in quite a few years due to the build and life before that. Luckily the build is get close and it's time to take back to the skies! When I got my PPL I flew with a yolk mounted Garmin 196 just as a nice backup. iPads were non-existent in the cockpit then. Can an iPad be used as a backup/nice to have GPS? I'm assuming yes with Foreflight or the like but I wanted to double check that I am headed the right direction. I also would really like to not have to buy charts anymore as I'm right on the intersection of four of them.

Long story short, I doubt my Garmin 196 is worth a darn anymore or even update-able? I would like a better option but don't know what I don't know.

If the iPad is the way to go which one do you recommend?

And yes I have used the search function but it's all kind of hard to follow.

Thanks a milion!
Man the responses here have been awesome!!! To answer a few of your questions. I'm going with Dynon HDX but I also have some hours to fly in a Cessna to get back to current. When the -7A is done I plan on mounting it on some kind of swivel mount on the right side of the panel and angling it towards me. In the -7A I really only plan on using it for charts and perhaps a movie for the wife. A GPS while getting back to current flying status will be nice as well. Like I mentioned though, I live on the intersection of 4 VFR sectionals so I don't want to be constantly having to purchase those.

Now it looks like I just need to decide on memory and on the iPad mini or regular.

Do charts and apps like forflight use a lot of storage?
Do charts and apps like forflight use a lot of storage?

Depends how many regions that you want to load up. If it's just your local area, even if it spans four charts, and you don't plan to run other apps, anything 64 GB or above would be fine.
Flying again

I just started flying again after a 4 year hiatus to build. I am using the ipad mini with Garmin Pilot. Garmin Pilot has come along way in 4 years.
My ipad mini sits nicely in my knee pad when I fly the spam can rentals with steam gauges.

I just did a sim cross country using this set up and it worked out well. Will try it for real this weekend.
Now it looks like I just need to decide on memory and on the iPad mini or regular.

Do charts and apps like forflight use a lot of storage?

I have an iPad mini 5 with 16GB storage. I use Seattle Avionics FlyQ EFB and download data for 7 states (unless I'm planning a longer Xcountry). Data storage used for the App and the 7 states takes 4.3GB.
I don't use the Mini for anything except FlyQ, thus I see no need for anything above 16GB. I only upgrade the Mini when a newer model advertises a brighter screen. Still a little problem with direct sunlight readability.
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I have an older iPad mini that has 16 GB storage. I use WingX and can download the entire US (sectionals, ifr enroute and approach charts) into it. I think I read that WingX uses more data compression than Foreflight - Foreflight would need more memory.
BTW, WingX is still free to CFI?s and active military.
iPad recommendation

9.7? iPad Pro. WiFi+Bluetooth+4g LTE cellular. 256 GB
Amazon.com $300-$375 Refurbished with new warranty. Looks and operates like new.
Mounted on left side rail with a RAM Mount.
Running ForeFlight.
If you want a picture of the mount setup. PM me with your e-mail address.
Got the idea from DR & he was running a mini; which I had & used for a year then upgraded to the 9.7? IPad Pro about 2 years ago.
Very satisfied with the result.
There are a lot of suggestions to definitely get a "cellular" model for GPS. If you really want to pay Apple $100+ for a $15 gps chip go right ahead. If you are going to have any sort of ADS-B in, the iPad can get location from that device.
I have a glass cockpit in my RV-8 and use an IPAD Mini 4 when flying cross country. It?s nice being able to have music in flight and a computer when on the road. Been using WingX for a while and like it. Not crazy about the IPAD though. It?s never, ever bright enough, I?m always adjusting the angle to see the screen better. It has shut down in flight on a couple occasions on a bright sunny day.

If I?m flying local then I just use my IPhone 6 and it does all that the Mini does. I like the bigger screen of the Mini for displaying the geo referenced approach charts but really don?t like the woefully inadequate screen brightness. If anyone knows a better tablet to use that can run WingX and is a computer as well then let me know. If it has good screen brightness and can run WingX then that would work too as I can use my IPhone 6 on the road as a computer instead.
There are a lot of suggestions to definitely get a "cellular" model for GPS. If you really want to pay Apple $100+ for a $15 gps chip go right ahead. If you are going to have any sort of ADS-B in, the iPad can get location from that device.

Could you elaborate on this one? I will have Dynon HDX with the GPS-2020 in it but have never heard of it tying in with an iPad. It also won't help me while training so I might be stuck.
Carl thanks for that great info! I had no idea. Definitely sold on an iPad now. After talking to some buddies and getting some hands on a couple different devices the iPad mini it is! That is just awesome that it will link up with Dynon too!