
Well Known Member
Something very simple here. Harness made by pros. PM3000 intercom, SL40. I can not hear the passenger but he hears me and the radio loud and clear. What could it be? :confused:

Have you checked your intercom? Maybe it's muted, (in ISO position) Sounds silly I know but ask me how I know! :eek:

Thanks for posting pics of S. Jersey, took my first flying lessons out of the old Burlington County Airport and Great Adventure was one of those landmarks that I knew well from the ground and the air! My Dad put out brush fires started by Army ordinance on those ranges for many, many years.
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Sounds like a blessing in disguise. :p
Check the settings and maybe return to "defaults" Sounds like one of the isolates or wires isnt right. Did it work before..new issue or existing you just didnt notice from original install? I know I played with all mine and goofed it up, squelch on one was messed ..some sort of directional mike setting was on..bunch of goofy setting I didnt mean to put on. Back to defaults and start over.
Do you have the same type of headset L & R? If not then perhaps the microphones have different sensitivities and/or impedance.

Also, try swapping headsets.

Doug Gray
Several easy checks first:
1. Swap headsets. Does the problem follow the passenger headset?
2. While in the "failing mode", tap the passenger mic and see if the hard taps can be heard in the pilot's headset. Microphones do go bad and are easily replaceable.
3. Can the passenger side headset transmit on the radio, and does the passenger side hear the sidetone?