
Well Known Member
I've been thinking of different ways to secure my primer lines, and I came up with this idea...


Is this an acceptable method to do this? It's just a standard non-mil spec zip tie, and clear vinyl tubing. It works great to keep the line from moving, but I wonder about the proximity to the exhaust.

Yay? Nay?


But I would use automotive fuel hose instead of the vynil tubing..Its nylon reinforced and won't melt.

I'd also be concerned about the zip-tie chaffing the copper tubing. Easy to fix. Take a 2" section of the tubing (I usually use the harder Poly tubing), slit it and place it around the copper tubing. Zip-tie this to the copper tubing and use it to prevent chaffing from your zip-tie to the manifold you have shown.
I would avoid the zip tie in that location. I have my primer lines in that area secured with two cushion clamps. One large one around the intake tube, and a small one around the primer line.
The zip tie

shouldn't chaf the CU tube unless there is movement between the tube and the ziptie..But then again the extra cover is not a bad idea just in case.
