Mark Burns

Well Known Member
How many of us are trying to get flying in time to make it to Oshkosh this year?

I hung the engine Saturday and looking at my build schedule I believe it's possible for me. Will I make it? I have no idea. But it's exciting to think about.

Like Rob Schneider says in the Adam Sandler movies "you can do it".

Who's with me?

An easy out

How many of us are trying to get flying in time to make it to Oshkosh this year?

I hung the engine Saturday and looking at my build schedule I believe it's possible for me. Will I make it? I have no idea. But it's exciting to think about.

Like Rob Schneider says in the Adam Sandler movies "you can do it".

Who's with me?


Quit typing and get back to work!

The best angle I have seen to save face is to say "I'll have it done for Oshkosh" just don't specify a year. :)

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
200 HP Crocodile
Fly it to OSH

heck yes you can finish the airplane by then.

You can only fly it to OSH for the show if you are smarter than me and get the paperwork into the FAA early enough. I submitted paperwork in May, thinking all would be well and I might make a 4th of July maiden flight...

First flown Sept 12.

So after you fill out all of the forms and mail them out, get back out in the shop and keep beating on it.

Oshkosh as a goal is fine so long as it is a "soft" goal. Don't rush anything. If it happens, great. If not, don't compromise safety to make that goal.
It HAS happened.
In time for Oshkosh


We hope to be flying by the end of May. Oskosh this year is a definite possibility. Have to see what the day job job allows.
Nice goal BUT!!!!!!

As mentioned, don't let Oshkosh 2008 lead you down a path of cutting corners. You have once chance to build it right. You have one chance to do the flight test period right. Don't pencil whip the flight test period. I am sure that some do it.
Registration papers sent!

heck yes you can finish the airplane by then.

You can only fly it to OSH for the show if you are smarter than me and get the paperwork into the FAA early enough. I submitted paperwork in May, thinking all would be well and I might make a 4th of July maiden flight...

First flown Sept 12.

So after you fill out all of the forms and mail them out, get back out in the shop and keep beating on it.


I mailed the registration papers last week;)

Thanks to the others for cautioning me not to "rush it" just to make Oshkosh.
It will definitely be a "soft goal".

I submitted paperwork in May, thinking all would be well and I might make a 4th of July maiden flight...

First flown Sept 12.


What paper work took that long? Reg or AW certificate?

I just received my registration that took only 10 days . (Used AIC title).
I hope I dont have to wait 6 month for AW certificate.

Funny thing...

I was just asking myself if I was going to fly an RV7A out this year, or be stuck flying the Citabria. Hope it is the 7A. I am running out of excuses. I have found OSH... ;) ... and plan to return in my own plane this time!