Fatal ?

Hmmmm says unoccupied, heading FATAL ACCIDENT. Indeed the plane died I guess. Weird !
Pure Speculation.......

Says that the unoccupied plane started to move and a pilot jumped into the plane.

My guess would be a hand-propping accident.
Don't think it's speculative to say "unoccupied" means "prior to the pilot jumping into the airplane as it jumped the chocks". At least that's my take from Kathryn's Report.

A bit more than 20 years ago one of 08A's merry band managed to light up a 912 Rotax, at full throttle, on a Rans S-12 fuselage sans wings. It was well over 100 mph when it got to the treeline at the edge of the airport.

Another local hooked up the throttle backwards. Pulled his new Titan Tornado out of the garage for its first start. When it lit, it went back into the garage.

Then there was the Baby Ace, hand-propped at full throttle. The owner grabbed a wing strut and swung it into the hangar wall.

Let's not forget the local A&P with an RV6A tied to a truck using the tail tiedown ring. Yep, tore out the ring during a runup. At least he was already in the airplane. Given the surprise, it did use up a lot of ramp getting stopped.

It happens.
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Learning from other's mistakes..........

When I hear about any accident, it hits home heavily as I have seen accidents happen. My Pilot Mind starts thinking about what happened to cause any accident.

As with every accident, there is usually not just one thing that happens to cause an unhappy ending. It's this which lead to this which made this happen which caused this which made the airplane meet a sorry end. Anything associated with this event is purely speculation at this time but my mind goes to What May Have Caused This and What Can I Learn to make me a better pilot. If nothing else, it can help with that.

Be Aware. If you think it may not be a good idea, it probably isn't. We give out advice for OSH: If you haven't done something at home, don't try it here. We all have heard stories of airplanes getting away, some being personal. Sometimes it's better to just let them go. Airplanes can be rebuilt; families cannot.

Sincere condolences to the family, friends and to the aviation community at large. This affects us all in one way or another. We lost a Brother today. Let's learn from it..........
Similar occurrence 5-1/2 years ago when a hand-propped Cherokee got away from it’s owner with his non-pilot wife aboard. If it hadn’t hit my 170 (at an estimated 45knots) there’s a good chance it would have become airborne. Fortunately she received only very minor injuries, and was treated and released.


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