
Well Known Member
I bought a flying RV6 with o-320 150hp, solid crank. It had a Sensenich metal prop on it...70CM 77 pitch. I couldn't get more than 2150rpm static. It was fast though.

Replaced prop with sterba 68x72. Now I get static 2300 or so, but barely hit 2500 in cruise at 8k DA.

It's going to be hard to compare speeds with anyone as I have 21" desser mini tundras, no wheel pants, and VGs...but I feel like if I had a prop that would spin up more, I'd get off the short strips faster, and maybe not lose much top end (if I could turn 2700+ rpm)

I could scrape the $ for a Catto...but I'd hate to do it and be bummed. Everyone talks about CS being the bomb, but $12k+ for an MT electric isn't gonna happen.

Prince claims the flexi-pitch thing, Whirlwind and Sensenich both have their GA options that would at least let me play...

I guess I'm like lots of others, I don't want to kiss $3-5k dollars away and get a "meh" difference.

Engine is low-ish time, about 700hrs. I don't particularly care to go HP pistons and stuff--I run MOgas cheap right now...if I replaced this engine, I'd still probably look at a low-comp o-360 with CS capability...but if I had $30k to dump into that I'd be looking at a different airplane! :rolleyes:

Can I get good short field performance out of a 1094lb RV6 with 5k ft field elevation and a 150hp engine? Am I expecting too much (probably). Is GA a viable option?

Thoughts from those of you who've been there? I've read all the threads on the GA stuff, I've read SmokyRay's excellent writeups on props...I've read all the go-fast stuff, but my airplane is a lot draggier than most...

Any rock I've failed to turn over? Anything staring me in the face I can't see?

Have you considered having the Sensenich re pitched? maybe by 2inches, talk to the prop shop, I'm sure they would know. Might be the least expensive way to go?? It's been done before with good results.
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I didn't repitch

I sold it, because if it was repitched enough I figured the 2600 restriction would just frustrate me...and then I would have a prop few would want. :confused:

I realize it's different. Sure wish I had a CS option. Seems like the silver bullet...

MT is crazy $$, IVO doesn't seem to have people raving about them, and I don't want to fall out of the sky...

It's almost a shame (knock on wood) that my engine is so strong and smooth...doesn't leak oil, uses a little over a quart between oil changes, maybe two if I push it hard.

I've sold my wife on a prop, if I say the E word, she'll probably hurt me. :D
I have a Catto 2-blade 70x70 with nickel edges on a 150hp. I've been happy with it from my 1900' grass strip, even headed toward the trees end.

When I sell it later this year, I'll be using another Catto.
Prince Props

Take a look at: http://princeaircraft.com/

When I rebuilt my RV-3, I sent the worst looking old wooden prop in the world to Lonnie to refinish & balance. He did such a great job that most people think that it's a metal prop.

I tried 4 different props on my VariEze, before I tried one of Prince's P-Tips - got amazing performance from it.

Barney in Memphis
RV-3 & RV-4
Saved by BasicMed
When you say you want something that "spins up" more, are you talking static RPM on the ground or in the air?

With FP props, you typically see between 2100 and 2200 RPM static.
Ok...bear with my analogy...

Perhaps my thinking is all wrong. In my mind, if I was talking about a car, I need a "lower gear". My first prop was like driving in 5th gear all the time...it got fast (eventually) without weighing the engine down much, but took forever to get going.

This prop "winds up" (more static RPM) more than the first prop, but I still can't get anywhere near engine redline at 8k DA.

So, in my car guy mind, I still need a "lower gear". Wouldn't that in theory give me more static RPM, better climb, and higher revs (use the full engine capability) at cruise altitudes?

Obviously I don't want to be turning 3200rpm at 8k feet, but if I was capable of 2700...I'd get more out of the engine than the 2500 I get now.

Or am I all wet? My hope is that even if I have to burn a little more fuel to do it, I can get a more useful RPM band out of my engine. Climb quickly, and the extra RPM up high make up for some of the speed lost from pitch change?

I think I'm saying the same thing over and over, but to me, the propeller is just the magic fan on the end of the engine...I know there is way more to the dynamics of flight than that...but I think in general I know what I want to achieve, I just don't know how to get there.

I was messaging back and forth with Nicole from Catto about a used prop they have for sale, but I'm assuming they are taking some (well deserved) holiday time off because I haven't heard back from her since Friday.

Thanks guys
Sensi GA

Im using the Sensenich GA prop on my RV 4

It pulls WAY better on take off than my catto 2 blade. There is more to performance than just horse power.. this prop performs very similar to the metal sensi I had without the 2600rpm limit. Ive been very pleased with it.
My experience with Sterba is that the price can't be beat, to get you in the air inexpensively. But. It was the most inefficient prop I've owned (I've owned more than my share....)

If it were my plane, I'd call Sensenich and tell them the *exact* configuration of your plane, and how you expect to fly, including where your priorities lie. With a f/p prop, you must pick; you can't have it all. Climb? Top speed? Some middle ground (tell them where to bias it)?

The reason I'd call Sensenich is that while a Catto might be 'better', it will likely cost twice as much as a wood f/p Sensenich. And there are probably other prop makers that would be as good as Sensenich for a little less money, but you won't know until you try (buy). I'd bet that Sensenich can hit it 1st try, because they really do every kind of performance that's prop related, and they've been doing it a lot, for a long time. I once had a -4 with an original Bernie Warnke prop (Catto is the modern day Warnke). It was never the same with any other prop I tried after that prop got damaged. When I finally sold the plane, the new owner managed to damage the prop, and replaced it with a wood Sensenich. He got back every bit of the speed I had with the Warnke.


+1 for the ground adjustable.

The GA prop will is pricey, but, if you ever move to a longer field, re-do the landing gear and add pants, or sell the plane. It won't need a new prop.

Nicole from Catto was great, and very gracious with her responses. It is clear why so many rv'ers think so highly of the family.

However, the variables I've created with a fairly unique setup for the RV world, coupled with recommendations here, pushed me to the WW Ga200, and I've got one coming from Vetterman.

There simply isn't a way to gauge what I'm willing to give up in cruise until I can see what is possible with a good climb prop...and the GA will let me come back if I go too far.

Thank you all for your input, sure wish CS was an option, but it's just not meant to be for me! :rolleyes:
Nicole from Catto was great, and very gracious with her responses. It is clear why so many rv'ers think so highly of the family.

However, the variables I've created with a fairly unique setup for the RV world, coupled with recommendations here, pushed me to the WW Ga200, and I've got one coming from Vetterman.

There simply isn't a way to gauge what I'm willing to give up in cruise until I can see what is possible with a good climb prop...and the GA will let me come back if I go too far.

Thank you all for your input, sure wish CS was an option, but it's just not meant to be for me! :rolleyes:

Scott, Tell us how you like that WW GA200.
Any rv'ers using a electric CS MT propthat could tell me their experiences from installing to performance ! Thanks