
Well Known Member
So It was a case of not understanding the directions and I ended up dimpling the E-606PP which is the rib at the Trim Tab, You are supposed to dimple the bottom of it but not the top since the trim tab hinge mounts to it. So... Can you countersink the hinge so that it will match up with the now dimpled rib? If not I do not think I have any other options except order a new one.

Dimpling a hinge tends to stretch it and cause curvature toward the eyelets. If it is a short run such as an elevator trim tab, might not cause much of an issue. I would dimple and then assess whether it was usable. Reread the post, machine countersinking the hinge shouldn't cause a problem
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avoid countersinking the hinge

I suggest that you dimple the hinge and see if it results in a usable piece. The hinge is a soft alloy so you want as much meat as possible for the rivets. Perhaps if you dimple the hinge with both sides and the pin assembled and the whole thing in a vice distortion can be mnimized.
Bill Brooks
Ottawa, Canada
RV-6A finishing kit
Every hinge on my 17 year old RV-6 is dimpled, including the flap hinges with no problems whatsoever.
Dimpling a hinge will slightly deform it into an arc. But the material is very soft and will conform to the shape of the structure it is riveted to.
It helps to keep the hinge straight when dimpling if the pin and the mating part of the hinge are attached while dimpling. Larry
Very True...

It helps to keep the hinge straight when dimpling if the pin and the mating part of the hinge are attached while dimpling. Larry

It helps even more if you hold the mating part at 90 degrees to the part being dimpled.
I seem to recall... the RV-6 construction manual that Van recommended that the hinge material be dimpled when possible. The hinge material is a "softer" aluminum, and for strength reason, it was preferred to dimple vs cutting material away as would be done in a countersink operation.

There may be times when this is not possible (or desirable) if the hinge material is sandwiched between several other aluminum sheets, where the top sheet is dimpled and the bottom sheet is left flat.