
Active Member
In 2018 (my first visit to Oshkosh), I lucked into a wonderful camper rental company (Point Creek RV) who were great to work with.
I am hoping that this year will be my second visit, however when I called Point Creek to reserve a trailer, I discovered they no longer deliver & set up the trailers then pick up after the week. (Also their prices are a lot higher than 2018).
I'll be flying in commercial and need that service to get a trailer to the campground.
So can anyone point me to a good Camper/RV rental company who will deliver the trailer & pick up afterward?

Oh, and a long shot - if you have a spot at Sleepy Hollow that you suddenly find you can't use, please let me know. I would love to get in there, but it was sold out faster than I could contact them.

Many thanks for any leads/suggestions/recommendations etc.
My mother uses Van Boxtel out of Green Bay. Been using them for about 15 years now. BUT YOU BETTER HURRY!!