
Well Known Member
I'm heading to NWEAA next week, BUT first I need to visit Vans to pick up my finishkit.:cool: I plan on being at Vans(Aurora) first thing in the morning on July 9th. I also thought I would try to visit Classic Aero in Albany on the 8th.

So any of you Oregonians know of a spot I can pitch a tent or sleeping bag in my SUV between those points?

I'm spoiled in Montana, every logging road has a camping spot or 50.
Hey Brian,
As always, I'd consider it an honor to host you (or any other VAF'er) at our home in Independence...plus of course, there's the side advantage of checking out airplane projects till your feet get sore!!

I'm in Australia now on business, but return to Portland on the morning of the 8th...

Contact me offline for more info.
Bob, PM sent.

I wasn't planning on asking anyone, since I don't know when or what time I'll be anywhere.

Hi Brian

I live about 10 miles from Van's and you can stay here if you want.

(503) 627-4045
I took down both Kent and Bob's numbers, thanks guys........BUT the bad news is...........I'm still at #@%&*! work!!!!!!!! Life isn't fair sometimes, that's just the way it is, when you're the lead operator, equipment breaks AND everyone else is on vacation already. One guy back this afternoon and another tomorrow, so I'll get out of here yet. :eek:

The good news, Overtime pays for parts:D
Kent, Thanks for the invite.

I just got home for work and now have ~207things to do before I can hit the road. Looks like I may not make it to Oregon until later in the week, after a few days R&R at Arlington.

So Bob or Kent or anyone else, don't wait around hoping I'll show up.

Later gotta go.