
I'm New Here
Hello all i recently bought a cessna 172 for recreationa reasons and I have alwasy wanted to do fly in camping however i am finding it rather difficult to find fly in campgrounds around the east coast seems to be all mid west and west. Please I would love to camp under the wing with my family without going across country. ANyone have any suggestions for me I would greatly appreciate them my email is [email protected] I usually only get online to check my email everyday and my son recomended trying a forum this being my first ever post or reading of a forum. I would prefer to be able to just check my email and see what you all have sent to me I would appreciate any and all help.


I will try to check this thing

I will try to check this site for the next hour or 2 and then a few times tommorow as long as my son can show me how to bring it back up again.
Roy - Welcome to VAF.

Try Suches - High Valley Airpark - in the north GA mountains. GA87.

It's a private grass strip and the they have campsites and a cabin or two I believe. It's been a few years since I was there. Call Frank Cheek at 404-747-5011 for permission.

Careful - runway is 2000 feet grass and almost 3,000 feet elevation. Watch out for hot and high. Western Mtn guys will laugh, I know, but it's noticable vs. coastal SC flying.

Might also try Dog Island, on the Flordia panhandle. Or Cedar Key, FL. No camping there, but it is a unique adventure.
W99 Grant County

Grant County WV has a nice campground with hot showers/bathrooms in a permanent building. The facility is primarily for the glider summer operations, but a quick call ahead and they'll heat it up for others, as I recall. Though the campground is close to the fuel pit, it is on the other side of the runway and they don't want you to walk over. Taxi or get driven. The FBO stocks hommade sandwiches and a variety of snacks/drinks, so W99 is a great stop anytime. 24/7 fuel on a credit card, not particularly cheap when I last checked. Nice folk, too.
