
Well Known Member
Not sure how many like to fly to an airport and either pop a tent right there or at least a place close by, but it would be nice to begin a list of camping friendly airports that you don?t need a bush plane to get into. The Van?s camping forum must purge the info occasionally because there is nothing there. Also maybe creating four segments, N/E, S/E, N/W, S/W and Canada. Not sure if it?s a pain to create a forum like this but it would be nice.
The Van’s camping forum must purge the info occasionally because there is nothing there.

It actually is there, but when you enter the forum the default setting is to show only the posts that have been made in the past month.
Enter the forum and under Display Options change From the Last Month, to, Beginning. Then click the Show Threads button.
Then you will see every post ever made in that forum.
I?m sure that works, but I can?t even get started. I can?t find any place that says ?display options?. Must be there somewhere, I just don?t see it.
In HOME page, go to FORUMS. Scroll down and AIRCRAFT CAMPING is the first item under ACTIVITY SPECIFIC. That’s where u can change the viewing to BEGINNING. It doesn’t stay that way but u can see all the previous posts.
So I checked the camping index and there is a total of six posts dating back to last year. No real directory for camp friendly airports and not much useful information.
So not sure how to reach out to Doug (Delta Romeo) with this request but it would be a great add on to the camping forum if it could be improved to make a running list of camp friendly airports. Hello, is anyone out there this is earth calling.....
So not sure how to reach out to Doug (Delta Romeo) with this request but it would be a great add on to the camping forum if it could be improved to make a running list of camp friendly airports. Hello, is anyone out there this is earth calling.....

As was pointed out above, nothing has been purged - there are currently 116 threads (and 1210 posts) in the "Aircraft Camping" forum here on VAF. Just go to the top of this page, and find the underlined "VAF Forums" link - that will take you to the listing of all the forums. Scroll down until you find "Aircraft Camping" - click on it.

Right now, it shows 1 thread, because of the default search parameters. Under "Display Options", click on the box after "From The" and select the option " Beginning" - it will then show them all. Happy reading!

That's all the help a Moderator can give you. Members have to make content.

Well... Followed Paul?s advice. Selected VAF Forums at the top, scrolled down to Aircraft Camping. There was only one post on this link. Not too helpful. I agree with the OP?s post, it would be nice to have a forum link that listed great places to fly to and camp. If it?s already on this website, it?s well hidden. Maybe a forum category entitled ?Aircraft Camping? where VAF?ers could post camping locations with detailed information, including maybe pictures, website links, experiences, etc. I would love to fly to some cool place, camp, meet fellow pilots, and enjoy the scenery.
I followed Scott McDaniels advice - no joy, didn?t work. I followed Paul Dye?s advice - another shoot down. Is there a secret handshake required? Am I on the ?B? list?
I?m kidding around of course, but it would be nice if there was a way for us to get this camping info easily.
Well... Followed Paul?s advice. Selected VAF Forums at the top, scrolled down to Aircraft Camping. There was only one post on this link. ....snip

You're in the right sub-forum (Aircraft Camping) but you need to, once in there, select 'From Beginning' in the drop down box at the bottom of the page. I show 3 pages of posts going back to 2005.


OK. At the risk of sounding like an even bigger idiot..... there is no drop down box at the bottom of the page that says ?from the beginning?. There is a drop down box, but it says ?forum jump?, which apparently, allows you to jump to a different forum. Maybe it?s an Apple thing. I don?t have a PC.
Ok so got into what has been posted. Where it says ?last month? if you toggle that and scroll down to the very bottom there will be ?the beginning?. That is what you select. But looking at it much of the info is conversation about looking for spots and a few mentions like. i.e. Johnson Creek. But, ok just thinking out loud :),,,,,could it be possible to have a directory either by state or regions, with just the basics: airport, camping available, and a spot for notes for good, bad, ugly. That can be posted. Something like the RV hotel posting. Not a computer person so If its a lot of work to do it I understand if it can?t be done.
Thank you Carl. What you show on your screen shot, simply does not show up. What I get is a ?quick reply? box, or a ?forum jump? drop down. Nothing else...
There is no ?display options? choice, no from the ?beginning? box, - none of that. It just isn?t there. I?m using an iPad. Maybe that?s the problem. My internet browser is Safari also. It?s a relatively new iPad. I have 3 of them, and a MAC desktop computer, and a MacBook. This stuff just doesn?t display like your display does. I wonder if there is another way to get into that file?
You say ?where it says ?last month?, toggle.... Well, I can?t find anyplace that says ?last month? anywhere, so I?m unable to toggle that link. Where on Gods green earth are you seeing ?last month????
Finally figured it out. I originally went to the forums page. From this page, I selected the general discussion page, because I didn?t see anything related to camping. Then from that general discussion page there is a Camping page, and that?s where I ran up against the wall. Very little info there, and nothing like everyone was saying to look for (display options, etc).
I finally, when on the first forum page, paged down - a long way and came upon an Aircraft Camping page. From that page, I was able to access that display options/beginning thread list at the bottom, as others have suggested. Very different from the Camping page downstream from the General Discussion page.

There is a lot about this website that I am not familiar with..... and I?ve been on this site almost daily for 20 years. I wonder what other nuggets of gold I don?t know about....
There is a lot about this website that I am not familiar with..... and I?ve been on this site almost daily for 20 years. I wonder what other nuggets of gold I don?t know about....

I've only been here a little over a year and I find there's so much to read on this forum. sometimes I just want ot find a quick answer and end up readinbg for 4 or 5 hours straight !!

Right now I'm searching to make sure I buy the correct brake pads for my RV8 so I do a search and I find out there are Buna o-rings and Louie Vitton o-rings and, oh well....back to preparing my order to see if I can send it out tonight.
But looking at it much of the info is conversation about looking for spots and a few mentions like. i.e. Johnson Creek. But, ok just thinking out loud :),,,,,could it be possible to have a directory either by state or regions, with just the basics: airport, camping available, and a spot for notes for good, bad, ugly. That can be posted. Something like the RV hotel posting. Not a computer person so If its a lot of work to do it I understand if it can’t be done.

These types of list are very time consuming for someone to keep up to date, even if info crowd sourced by people providing inputs and edits. I have seen many websites that attempt $100 hamburgers, attractions, FBO reviews, fly ins, air shows, pancake breakfasts, antique airplanes, etc . They have come and gone since the internet started. I have many links that have gone stale. I even started my own experience spreadsheet but found I could not keep it up to date as restaurants, runway conditions, etc change and info is dated or wrong fairly quickly.

I would guess Doug keeps the RV hotel listing as current as he can since much more RV related and based only on info sent to him.

That's all the help a Moderator can give you. Members have to make content.


As Paul indicates, All this forum can do is provide the place to view the info. The posters are those that need to provide, AND KEEP UP TO DATE, the information. Wrong, dated info can be worse than no info especially when it comes to runway conditions for landing an RV (yes, I am burdened with the terrible misfortune of wanting, building, and loving my nose wheel)
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