
Active Member
For all you Airventure camping gurus, can I use my Coleman Camp Stove in the campground??? I am bringing it so that I can cook a couple simple meals, and quite frankly, camping isn't the same with out a little cooking out. If you have any idea please let me know so I can head out tomorrow!

yup, have at can also have campfires and gas grills, because it is so humid there...they dont seem to have any fire restrictions that I know of. Have fun! I'm leaving for Scholler on wednesday.
There's been enough rain that campfires aren't a problem.

There's ten gazillion people JAMMED into the campground this year. Last night the air was very heavy so all the smoke from all the campfires stayed low to the ground.

This perhaps explains why so many people stay in the GIANT RVs with the air conditioners going all night, watching the hi-def TV etc. :p
Bob is right. I arrived early Sunday and am way out in the boonies. The two sites behind me are both using Coleman stoves.
