Alan Erickson

Active Member
I'm definitely going to install at least one videocam in my 8A. Larry, Bill, and Dan started shoving, then Jon -- especially his mellow evening sequence -- pushed me the last micrometer over the edge. First, an admission: in addition to having a problem with airplane building, I'm also a geek and a dweeb (read: electrical engineer and software engineer)...though I like to think I have compensating qualities. ;) Anyhow, 'cuz of that I'm probably gonna use a little single-board computer to suck in video and still feeds and pour 'em onto a hard drive, which allows me to be pretty flexible about multiple imaging sources (though, yes, it limits photography to <10k' without special provision). So my question (at long last) is:

Where would you want to mount cameras, and of what type?

E.g.: I plan to mount a good color video on the vstab. I've also toyed with the idea of a digital still camera pointed down under a wing for hi-res ground shots. Any other places/types on peoples' dreamlists? Can you imagine any other imaging-related shenanigans or necessities?

I'll entertain all ideas, though probably only implement the vstab before getting her in the air -- but I'd like to think about wire runs and access panels for pipedreams before I close the wings, floors, and fairings. Thanks for your help!
Cameras on RV's


I have been thinking about that very subject also. I did some research on tilt/pan/zoom (TPZ) cameras and even bought a stick grip with trim buttons which will be connected to the camera(s) for control of TPZ, etc. I was thinking about a good digital tape camera, probably a JVC mini-8 with external video/audio inputs. That would allow internal or external video to be recorded along with sound from the aircraft intercom.

I am glad to see this thread get started.

Jerry K. Thorne
RV-9A N2PZ -- "Enterprise"

Looks like we are going to have a new designation for these birds...the RRV-8....(aka RF-4)

My Try

I have purchased 4 JonesCAM 480EX Color Lipstick Cameras( and a Accelevision Video Switcher AVS420( I plan to use a REC Technology Model HD-2166 DVR to record the video. The cameras are to be mounted in the VS Forward, the lower ruddercap rearward, the right wing tip forward and the cockpit rearward. The switch will be used to selectively change cameras between the recorder and the PS Engineering PAV 80 display mounted in the rear of the front seat headrest(Classic Aero Designs). In a perfect world, this will work without a flaw, allowing the pilot to switch the view ffor the recorder and the rear facing monitor. I have the wire runs completed for my setup an have the switch installed. I will start camera installation during mid March. If I can answer questions, just ask.
Camera ??

Can you input these cameras straight to a laptop/DVD recorder, or is something else required...
Yes on the DVD Recorder, if it has an input for video. A computer must have a video capture card or software. To use multiple cameras, you must have a matrix switch.

Hard Knox said:
I have purchased 4 JonesCAM 480EX Color Lipstick Cameras( and a Accelevision Video Switcher AVS420( I plan to use a REC Technology Model HD-2166 DVR to record the video. The cameras are to be mounted in the VS Forward, the lower ruddercap rearward, the right wing tip forward and the cockpit rearward. The switch will be used to selectively change cameras between the recorder and the PS Engineering PAV 80 display mounted in the rear of the front seat headrest(Classic Aero Designs). In a perfect world, this will work without a flaw, allowing the pilot to switch the view ffor the recorder and the rear facing monitor. I have the wire runs completed for my setup an have the switch installed. I will start camera installation during mid March. If I can answer questions, just ask.

Are there any status updates from the lipstick CAM group?
I mounted a pencil type camera in the nose of the left wheel pant and it works great there. I have also installed them in the left air intake but the prop strobes thru the picture. If you mount it in the VS you won't see over the nose while taixing.
I'm still happy with the VS mounting location. Forward blocking over the nose while taxiing is not really an issue IMO. Just get a camera with the best specs your wallet will allow and where ever you mount it, make it serviceable. I permanently glassed mine into the VS tip, which was a mistake. Consider a wide-angle lens too. Don't forget to wire for sound input. There is a tail-cam clip from a couple weeks ago on my site. :D