Well Known Member
I believe this was posted somewhere previously but as I recall did not receive a response to brand of camera.

I will be starting my build and would like to video document it. Is there a brand name camera that builders are using that is not expensive and gives good results. I know about the Hero brand but they are expensive $300-400.

Anyone doing a build and using a simple camera for video documenting?



I am old school and still have flip phone and as you know not great at photos/video. Thanks for input.
Even an old dog could buy a cheap smart phone with no cellular service at Walmart or Amazon. It is also a great tool to have in the shop and hangar when loaded with useful apps.

Not a recommendation, just an example of what's out there at a very low price point:


Ask your airport buddies for one of their leftover phones, you might get one for free. :)

Otherwise, you might look at the numerous GoPro clones on Amazon for $100 or less. They can capture excellent shop video and stills and are compatible with many GoPro accessories.

Another example:

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