
Well Known Member
Okay guys, both my mentor and my CFII say I've earned a callsign. So, who better to give it to me than the best aviation group of Van's.

My flight this weekend was cut short by a broken throttle cable. Lucky for me, the engine stuck at about 2200rpm. I was on my 8th T&G, pulled power mid-field downwind and she said "No, I don't think I want to do that today". I could not climb above 900'agl and could not go faster than 100. Luckily, I had an 8000' runway to land on. On the first attempt, I couldn't get her to slow below about 140mph. On the second time around, through some really creative flying learned from watching the space shuttle, I got her down to about 105 on final and cut the engine to land "dead stick".

Now, this in itself is no major accomplishment, but take a walk back through time with me. Here's what I've had to deal with over the last couple of years. Before you ask, they were in many different aircraft, so it's not just one piece of junk airplane.

1. Smoke and fire in the cockpit in another plane from a burned wire (3 weeks ago)
2. Lost comms in the above incident inside class C
3. Lost alternator which led to lost comms, no lights, no transponder, .....(3 months ago)
4. Lost engine at 8000' when the mixture cable pulled out of the carb (4 months ago)
5. Broken nose wheel and flat tire (not sure which caused which) (4 months ago)
6. Coyote on runway in the flare at night - missed by about 10'
7. Blown main tire on landing roll (6 months ago)
8. Near mid-air with a C130 while flying a T-34C
9. Chip light emergency landing in T-34C
10. Bird strike in T-34C which broke canopy
11. In flight on September 11 when the radio started singing "All aircraft return to base - return to base immediately".
A ton more like split flaps, manually lowering gear, runway lights going out on short final......

My first question is "Is God trying to tell me something?" My second question is open for inputs. I've earned my Callsign, so what's it going to be? By the way, "Crash" is not an option :)
Mike "Not Again" Raymer, Mike "Nine Lives" Raymer, Mike "Bullseye" Raymer:D
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I like "Black Cloud". "Cloud" To all your friends and something for strangers to ask about.
Okay guys, both my mentor and my CFII say I've earned a callsign. So, who better to give it to me than the best aviation group of Van's.

Hmmm... I didn't think you were given a choice about your callsign outside of the Navy but here's a couple off the top of my head...

Mike "Raygun" Raymer - Seems like you've been "hit" with everything but a raygun.

Mike "Lotto" Raymer
Mike "Vegas" Raymer
You really need to take up gambling!

Mike "Loner" Raymer - I don't think anyone wants to fly with you. just kidding.


oh yea... a personal thank you for your service in the Navy!
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black cloud

black cloud... FTW

:D i think your the only one who willingly flies VFR under that kind of sky condition :D
"Black cloud" or "_____ magnet"

The dude from the Peanuts with the cloud of (dirt) always around him:


How about

Near miss!

I don't know who you are, you are not my friend...who were we talking about?...:)

Put it this way...When your RV4 explodes on take off it will be no big deal by then...:D

re: mom & dad

Okay guys, both my mentor and my CFII say I've earned a callsign. So, who better to give it to me than the best aviation group of Van's.

My flight this weekend was cut short by a broken throttle cable. Lucky for me, the engine stuck at about 2200rpm. I was on my 8th T&G, pulled power mid-field downwind and she said "No, I don't think I want to do that today". I could not climb above 900'agl and could not go faster than 100. Luckily, I had an 8000' runway to land on. On the first attempt, I couldn't get her to slow below about 140mph. On the second time around, through some really creative flying learned from watching the space shuttle, I got her down to about 105 on final and cut the engine to land "dead stick".

Now, this in itself is no major accomplishment, but take a walk back through time with me. Here's what I've had to deal with over the last couple of years. Before you ask, they were in many different aircraft, so it's not just one piece of junk airplane.

1. Smoke and fire in the cockpit in another plane from a burned wire (3 weeks ago)
2. Lost comms in the above incident inside class C
3. Lost alternator which led to lost comms, no lights, no transponder, .....(3 months ago)
4. Lost engine at 8000' when the mixture cable pulled out of the carb (4 months ago)
5. Broken nose wheel and flat tire (not sure which caused which) (4 months ago)
6. Coyote on runway in the flare at night - missed by about 10'
7. Blown main tire on landing roll (6 months ago)
8. Near mid-air with a C130 while flying a T-34C
9. Chip light emergency landing in T-34C
10. Bird strike in T-34C which broke canopy
11. In flight on September 11 when the radio started singing "All aircraft return to base - return to base immediately".
A ton more like split flaps, manually lowering gear, runway lights going out on short final......

My first question is "Is God trying to tell me something?" My second question is open for inputs. I've earned my Callsign, so what's it going to be? By the way, "Crash" is not an option :)

Aren't you the guy whose dad is near retirement & wants to start flying, But mom won't let him?:D Hope she doesn't know about all these things.:rolleyes:

Marshall Alexander


1. Smoke and fire in the cockpit in another plane from a burned wire (3 weeks ago)
- Shuda changed out that wire
2. Lost comms in the above incident inside class C
- Shuda brought a hand held
3. Lost alternator which led to lost comms, no lights, no transponder, .....(3 months ago)
- Shuda bought a bigger battery
4. Lost engine at 8000' when the mixture cable pulled out of the carb (4 months ago)
- Shuda used Locktite
5. Broken nose wheel and flat tire (not sure which caused which) (4 months ago)
- Shuda stayed home
6. Coyote on runway in the flare at night - missed by about 10'
- Shuda brought a gun
7. Blown main tire on landing roll (6 months ago)
- Shuda done a soft field
8. Near mid-air with a C130 while flying a T-34C
- Shuda kept my cranium on a swivel
9. Chip light emergency landing in T-34C
- Shuda stayed in the bar
10. Bird strike in T-34C which broke canopy
- Shuda duct
11. In flight on September 11 when the radio started singing "All aircraft return to base - return to base immediately".
- Shuda shot them people while we had a chance

And then of course...
Shuda made more money
Shuda nailed er

and my favorite...
Shuda sponsored a naming ceremony at oshkosh and bought a name
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Totally obvious (although this may date me).
As in "Joe Btfsplk" from Li'l Abner.
So far I like Boomerang, also could mean you have to keep comming back with incomplete mission due to maint.

Shuda was clever

MayDay is my first thought along with Squak as in Squak list for maintanence because you always come back with a broken plane and a list of needed repairs.

Of those I think MayDay has the best ring and best understood in aviation circles without going into drawn out stories

Darwin is an option as you are threatening to take yourself out of the gene pool for continuing to fly when obviously you've pissed off the gods.

And yes, you've definitely earned a name.

Best of luck, you'll need it.:D:eek:
If you get pegged with "Mayday", just don't start using your name on the radio...it would get unwanted attention by others ...
"Re-Entry" Raymer?

"Unexplained Raymer?"

"Not Again Raymer?"

"Einmal Raymer?" (as in "Noch Einmal", german for "Yet Another" or "once more") (prononunce "NINE-MALL" without the "N")

But the bottom line is that you have to be named by your peers who know you, you don't get to pick.

And, by the sounds of it, eventually it WILL be "Crash Raymer..."

Cloud was my first thought. Shuda is pretty clever though! We had a Cloud in one of my squadrons...absolutely great guy and officer...but that cloud just followed...

Keep the faith...happens to us all sometimes...had a string of little mechanicals on TA-4J cross countries as an Ensign (a while ago)... Skipper was all over me, but no call sign born there. Just keep pluggin' and learning...and stay safe!! (And don't tell your Mom everything while negotiating on behalf of your Dad!) :)

Are you a student, a SERGRAD, or did you come back to the Training Command with no call sign? In any case, as the others said, a good one will stick. Perhaps if you buy some suntan oil, the cloud will depart, and you can work on a better call sign at the beach or the O-Club.


"Rocket" RV-6
I would go with Hans...as in Hans Solo because no one in their right mind would get in a plane with you :)



Nine Lives

After reading your initial post "Nine Lives" hit me even before I read the first suggestion for it. However, after reading all the posts I think I have to give "Jinx" a

Call sign

Mike, I agree with Neil@F14. My thought was before I saw Neil's is "Murphy".
What ever can go wrong....will! It's perfect for your past exploits. However, you may not get anyone to ride with you with that moniker. Ha! If you have a good sense of humor, that's your sign.
I'm "Squawk" (Thats the correct spelling) so you can't have that one... :D OK so I don't care that much. We also already have Lucky here in the Socal wing ...
accident "ax"

Sorry, but thread starter has probably had more incidents in the past year than I've had in 30 years and over 10,000 hrs flying. I think I'd be taking a step back and try to identify common factors with so many incidents. Else the next one might be the big one.

Gotta go with Murphy. Clean, people who know won't haze you, people who don't won't know to ask. Perfect.

Rick 90432
Done the flat main thing on a traumahawk on second solo.
Lots of good ones

How about


Cumulus= denotes a type of nasty cloud that every self respecting pilot tries to avoid.

MD= May day. Prolly wouldn't want to use the real may day on the radio!! flows nicely, more than one meaning

Eject= No 'splainin needed

Punch out= (same as above)

Crisis= has a nice ring to it. summarizes your experiences
callsign earnd

How about keeping it short and simple and go with - Dead Stick - you might just have a couple more.
Call sign

How about "bounce" or "rubber". I like "Murphy" otherwise. I would not use "Mayday", it could raise the ire of the FAA.

A pilot said hello to a lineman named John at KPTK not long ago. His mike was keyed and his greeting was "Hi, Jack." It wasn't 3 minutes the SWAT team had the plane surrounded.

You got a lot of 'splainin' to do Lucy.

Dave Nellis