
My insurance asked me to get model specific training.
Heard there was a person that can instruct in a RV-6A in Leesburg.
Anybody have a contact?
I'm at EZF, and I cannot think of anybody near me.

"Model Specific" training for an RV-6A has generally been regarded as RV-6A or RV-7A, maybe even RV-9A. This is where your agent Kyle needs to lean on the carrier to see if they will be ok with a looser definition of model specific. That will open up your transition training options. Also clarify if they are insisting on formalized transition training with a CFI or will accept seat time in an RV with an owner/pilot.
"Model Specific" training for an RV-6A has generally been regarded as RV-6A or RV-7A, maybe even RV-9A. This is where your agent Kyle needs to lean on the carrier to see if they will be ok with a looser definition of model specific. That will open up your transition training options. Also clarify if they are insisting on formalized transition training with a CFI or will accept seat time in an RV with an owner/pilot.
Global was willing to count 9A hours as equivalent to 8A time for me, which I think is a little wild. May have something to do with it being harder to get transition training from an instructor willing to sit in back with no brakes.
My insurance asked me to get model specific training.
Heard there was a person that can instruct in a RV-6A in Leesburg.
Anybody have a contact?
I'm at EZF, and I cannot think of anybody near me.

I’m in NC. Retired UAL, current CFI, and RV-6A owner. I’d be glad to help any way I can. Jeff