6 Driver

I'm New Here
Does anyone in the Oregon RV community know any pilots or group of pilots who fly day and weekend trips around our home state and the northwest?

My home field is 3S8 Grants Pass and I'm trying to locate like minded pilots in the RV community when flying season returns.

We can post or email each other where we are flying for the day or weekend and see how many RV's show up on the ramp.

Eventually people will get to know each other and can plan more specific adventures.

We can wear our Van's Airforce hats to identify each other if we are off airport enjoying the day in Florence or where ever we happen to be visiting.

The hat can be our secret handshake.

[email protected]
How's the airport there at Cape Blanco for camping and hiking? It'll be on my short list next summer.
Brian, are you in an EAA chapter? Our chapter 105 has a fly-in pancake breakfast on the first Saturday of each month, up here at Twin Oaks (just south of Hillsboro). You could come up some nice Saturday and meet some really great folks! My plane isn't quite finished yet, but I'm really looking forward to flying out from there to the coast, or wherever they go after breakfast. :)

Here's a link to the chapter website:
