
Well Known Member
On the advice of a friend I called the FBI and I think the situation is diffused. Here's the story:

I bought 35 acres about two years ago with a flying buddy down in Lake Wales Florida. During the last year I have been clearing and grading to make a path for a 1700 grass strip. We went to FAA and got airspace clearance for the strip, it was an easy process, just took 9 months.

During the clearing and burning of the debris we had some "neighbors" that are over a mile away complain about the grass strip going in. We got a visit from Code Enforcement and they suggested we file all the proper paper work from the County for an "official" grass strip. So we began. The County said we have 3 options, an international airport, an airport or a Fly In Community. Again, we asked for just a grass strip and they said no such thing, pick from one of the three. It was an easy choice, the fly in community only requires a level 3 approval. So back to the story.

We had a date with the planning commission of Polk County on July 8th along with many others who were trying to change zoning, get sub-divisions approved, and all kind of other issues. Our case finally came up at 5:00 p.m that afternoon after being there since 9:00 a.m. We had come prepared, we had the Chief pilot from the Division of Forestry, along with support from the Chief fixed wing pilot for Polk County Sherriff's Dept. After pleading our case to the Board along with the support of the State and County agencies pleading to have this "safety strip" for them approved, the opposition came forward. A group of people that live from 1/2 to 2 miles away from our land got up and spoke of how we would be a huge nuisance to their lifestyle. The issue went to a Vote and we won 6-1. Yeah.... We thought all was finally over.....not... I was then leaving the Boardroom and was threatened by an elderly gent ( who I will not name). This man made a few threats that I didn't take too seriously at first. First threat was he was going to kick my ... next threat was that I was going to get it for paying off the commisioners, then he threatened that any more equipment I brought to the property would never "run" again. He finally made the wrong threat and said that if a plane ever tried to take off of that ..... runway he would "bring it down".

I was telling my buddy the story and he said I shouldn't take that threat lightly and should call the Feds. So I went online, found the local office of the FBI which was in Lakeland and told them of the threat. I cannot begin to tell you how helpful they were. The agent got all of the information from me and said he would get back with me by the end of day. That afternoon I received a call back and he stated he had gotten with local law enforcement and would be diffusing the situation. The next day he called to ensure me that I shouldn't worry anymore. Both the FBI in their Surburbans and Sherrif's dept. rolled up to the trailer park the next morning and had an hour long conversation with my new friend. I wasn't privy to the whole conversation they had with him but I was told that there shouldn't be any more threats or worries. Our tax dollars at work.

I'll be posting pics shortly of the strip. Official name to be on the chart.... Bent Willies. I am a William and so is my partner, Hence the name. Any rv'rs will be welcome as long as you can land and depart on a curve.

Bill Whidden
I've done those!

Any rv'rs will be welcome as long as you can land and depart on a curve.

Well, I haven't been able to practice this skill on our 21-foot wide, airpark runway, but I was quite skilled at curving take-offs and landings when I first started with the tailwheel on 100'+ runways. Too bad I didn't have a curved runway to justify my "technique". :rolleyes:

Good news on the support you got from the feds. We don't hear "good news" stories very often. Good luck with the venture!
A Happy Ending

Congratulations Bill. That was a very refreshing story that I though was going to turn out very different. Sure nice to know the FBI is looking out for you.
I bet that guy is still trying to get the stains out of his shorts.:eek:
Well, I haven't been able to practice this skill on our 21-foot wide, airpark runway, but I was quite skilled at curving take-offs and landings when I first started with the tailwheel on 100'+ runways.

I'll bet their trailer park is more of a nuisance to your lifestyle than your airstrip is to theirs!

Best wishes on your strip! There's always a "fly in the ointment", but you worked your way through it. Hopefully the guy learned his lesson.

OBTW: Rocket Bob, don't knock us "trailer trash" to hard. I built my RV-8 in a 14ft. wide 54ft long trailer. Had to cut the end of the bar off just to get from the front door to the kitchen. You should have seen us trying to get it out!!!!!!

OK, I did have it on my 5 acres and it was before I built my house.;)
A local airport on the northern California coast had an irate homeowner who threatend to shoot down the next airplane that flew over his house. He called our flight school, we told the airort office, they called the police, HOURS later the FBI showed up at homeowners front door and had a nice long talk with him. In our area they take things vey seriously when it comes to air threats.
Good for you...

....because I too, was threatened several years ago by a horse farm owner near an airport that I occasionally work off. He stormed the airport and asked for the sumbiatch who was flying that big yellow, pain in the a$$ airplane.

He told me that if I ever flew over his farm again, a 30.06 would take care of "my little problem".

As soon as I got home I made one call to our Chief County investigator and he sicked the Feds on him..Yup, after a little visit by the boys with the ties, he quieted down.

buzzing horses

Were you still just a little afraid when you buzzed his horses the next time? Just kidding about the buzzing.

bill whidden
On the advice of a friend I called the FBI and I think the situation is diffused. Here's the story:

Yeah.... We thought all was finally over.....not... I was then leaving the Boardroom and was threatened by an elderly gent ( who I will not name). This man made a few threats that I didn't take too seriously at first. First threat was he was going to kick my ... next threat was that I was going to get it for paying off the commisioners, then he threatened that any more equipment I brought to the property would never "run" again. He finally made the wrong threat and said that if a plane ever tried to take off of that ..... runway he would "bring it down".

Bill Whidden

Just be careful. You may have uncovered their Meth Lab or other cash crop!
I can happen.

At Springville UT. airport they make gyrocopters and one farmer did shoot at it one day while it was in the pattern. The bullet actually hit the propeller. I heard they had a very good idea of who it was but never heard the outcome. I'm sure there was a similar situation though with the FBI and Suburbans. Apparently he had been threatening for sometime now.

I cannot understand the anger someone has to have to actually shoot at an airplane and then think they are doing the right thing. He obviously wasn't a Young Eagle when he was a kid!
Back a few years ago when we were searching all of East Texas for debris from the Columbia accident, we had aircraft flying everywhere. The office got a call from a fellow who said he didn't want those helicopters flying low over his property, and that he'd shoot at the next one that did. He was informed that those helicopters contained federal Officers, and then was asked if it was his intent to threaten a Federal Officer. He responded that he didn't care who was in 'em, he was going to shoot at the next one he saw!

So he was asked for his name and address so that we could make sure that we knew where he was. And, of course, he gave it! And then was visited by the FBI and charged with threatening to shoot at Federal Officers. Not a real bright bulb that one....;)
He responded that he didn't care who was in 'em, he was going to shoot at the next one he saw! So he was asked for his name and address so that we could make sure that we knew where he was. And, of course, he gave it! And then was visited by the FBI and charged with threatening to shoot at Federal Officers. Not a real bright bulb that one....;)

Hey, that's my dad your talking about. I remember him recounting the story... Just kidding. :D My dad lives near Nacogdoches but nobody found any pieces of the shuttle on his 18 acres.
To his credit...

Were you still just a little afraid when you buzzed his horses the next time? Just kidding about the buzzing.

bill whidden

......he had been trying to break a horse and the Air Tractor wasn't contributing to his efforts:) and he got his panties all in a wad....it'd probably been a bad day anyway but I didn't feel like dodgin' bullets either.


You guys all seem to live such exciting lives!

I knew I would be missing out when the airforce kicked me out because I was short sighted!

It happens everywhere

First story - We had an old duffer who lived at end of the runway. I mean seriously less than 1/8 mile from the end. He called the airport one day and told them, "if them alderlights flew over his house one more time he was gonna take em out!" Well the airport manager called the state police and that took care of that.

2nd Story - We have a fella here that sits on some township board, and he and his wife didn't like all "them little planes" flying over their house. So they tried to pass a law to make restricted airspace over their house. When they were informed the township didn't own the airspace, they petitioned the FAA to set up a restricted area over their house. They were promptly informed that they weren't as important as they thought that were and the FAA would do no such thing.

I guess you just have stupid self important people everywhere.

I can't remember which radio personality it was (mostly because I listen to it at 3am when I am driving back from flying all night) but he said that the real problem with America started with the movie Nerds. His point was that people saw with this movie that the dorks ( no-one here of course ) didn't like when other people where having fun and they wanted to make it so no-one else could have fun. Which is kinda the point is some of these cases. People see pilots as rich millionaires (which some of you are) that are just having too much fun and its not fair! So instead of joining us, they seek to ruin it for everyone.
I am told they used to shoot a planes in this neck of the woods. The government used to fly surveillance in Cessnas. Since my plane has an Airforce star it made me a little leary. I have been warned by 3 people that I am going to get shot down (but they are just flapping their jaws). We just had another big raid up here, 450 federal agents on this one. For sometime now the Feds and County code enforcement have been using google earth instead of flying surveillance. I am sure they feel much safer :rolleyes:
Pea Patch

Hey Pierre,

Can't you call the feds on that idiot that put the polls at the end of the runway at Pea Patch? I don't see much difference between the obstruction to navigation he put up and threatening to shoot someone.
Big Bullets...

Back in the 90's I was pulling SOF duty (supervisor of flying) while we launched F16's and CF-18's for some local training. The phone rang with an irate Gent on the other end telling me in no uncertain terms he was going to "shoot those loud @#$% out of the sky"! I asked him if he paid his taxes, he said yes. I asked him what was written on the airplanes...he said US something or other...I said, there you have it, your tax money at work! Then I reminded him that shooting at airplanes was a Federal offense punishable by death...he hung up shortly thereafter...

The first time you dodge big bullets, you won't soon forget it...:)

You guys all seem to live such exciting lives!

I knew I would be missing out when the airforce kicked me out because I was short sighted!


Hmm, the airforce didn't want me because I'm near-sighted, but short sighted is what I was when I got my CFI...
....that I'm presently reading "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross.
Pretty much how things get "arranged" by lefties who don't quite know real life.


Now THAT is a good book. I met John at OSH 2 years ago at a steak house. He had (maybe still does) a Pitts Model 12 and introduced hisself to Rhonda and me. the next day he came to our booth and spent probably an hour talking guns, airplanes, fishing, everything thats important in life. Great guy

The first time you dodge big bullets, you won't soon forget it...:)

Bill, post here if the FBI doesn't follow through with the help you need. That sounds like a national security issue & I bet we could scrounge up some air cover. :D
found a bullet hole!!

a few months ago one of our P-3's was flying around the "deep south" and somewhere in the vast wilderness of the deep south got shot at.. aircrew never knew it.. but we found a bullet hole during our post flight!!!

some jackas$ decided it would be a prudent decision to take his gun out and try to shoot down a military patrol plane... idiot.

anyway the plane was sitting in the hangar surrounded by "crime scene" tape, and no one was permitted to touch it, while FBI, NCIS, and base weapons did "forensic" tests....

final outcome: it was a bullet hole, caused by a bullet. shot from below the plane.

long story short, didn't hit any vital components just tore up some fiberglass.. and we fixed it.
anyway the plane was sitting in the hangar surrounded by "crime scene" tape, and no one was permitted to touch it, while FBI, NCIS, and base weapons did "forensic" tests....

final outcome: it was a bullet hole, caused by a bullet. shot from below the plane..

i wonder who got paid to come up with that.. :rolleyes:
bullet holes

I use to own part interest in a 1967 Twin Comanche. One day my partner was practising low approachs to his farm strip in eastern Kentucky when he heard a loud bang.Later at the airport he discovered that a high velocity projectile had entered from the bottom, gone through the seat back (long wise) of the passenger directly behind the pilot, and had exited out the roof. Two weeks later the Feds raided a nearby farm for growing "wacky weed". You can draw your own conclusions!
I use to own part interest in a 1967 Twin Comanche. One day my partner was practising low approachs to his farm strip in eastern Kentucky when he heard a loud bang.Later at the airport he discovered that a high velocity projectile had entered from the bottom, gone through the seat back (long wise) of the passenger directly behind the pilot, and had exited out the roof. Two weeks later the Feds raided a nearby farm for growing "wacky weed". You can draw your own conclusions!


wow good thing that guy wasn't a great shot!!! (obviously he wasn't to bad though!!!):eek:

.....is an outfit that contracts with the State department to train pilots and supply airplanes for coca and other recreational drug eradication in Colombia, South America. The Air Tractor turbines have a bullet-proof blanket around the engine, thick lexan windows to stop AK-47 rounds and a belly armor like a bullet-proof vest since the farmers get a little p-o'd when the Airplanes come by five or six wide, at 170 MPH spraying Roundup on their only income source:eek:

They often come back with multiple bullet holes and one unfortunate guy took a bullet in the spinner, through the prop dome and pumped all his oil out, seizing the engine. He made a rough landing among rocks, got burned but lived. Job pays $90,000 for six months, plus per diem. $120,000 or so if you're a CFI and can fly OV-10's, speak Spanish or can learn.

Your New Airstrip

Back when I flew new cessnas from the delivery center in Wichita to the local airport. Because George Air Force Base was just south I had to stay under 100 feet for ten miles. Talk about a legal buzz job!:)
At Springville UT. airport they make gyrocopters and one farmer did shoot at it one day while it was in the pattern. The bullet actually hit the propeller. I heard they had a very good idea of who it was but never heard the outcome. I'm sure there was a similar situation though with the FBI and Suburbans. Apparently he had been threatening for sometime now.

That's scarey. Springville (Spanish Fork) is now my home airport.