
Well Known Member
Last weekend the West Coast Ravens performed in yet another California Capitol Airshow at the Mather Airport in Sacramento CA. Both days formations were well flown with 22 aircraft separated into 3 flight groups. The 'Overcast' flight of 14, Mustang flight of 6, and 2 'Solos'.

Tommy 'Turbo' Ishii did an outstanding job of organizing, briefing, and leading the flight. Kudos to Tim 'Tank' Redden and Axel (Axo here in VAF) Alvarez for further assistance, organization, and formation planning. Special thanks to Pat 'Dulette' Dulaney for her outstanding ground and air to air photography. There are certainly others that were involved that I can't begin to thank enough...

Here are a couple of teaser photos and others can be seen clicking this link:





Well done Ravens!
Tommy 'Turbo' Ishii did an outstanding job of organizing, briefing, and leading the flight.

Wasn't there a couple "firsts" that happened with this???

Youngest flight lead as I recall, and the largest group to fly an event on the left coast.

Good job, Turbo:D

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My Gosh'k! That is insanely cool! You guys are Rock Stars!

Thanks for the inspiration! Hope to be there soon.
Nice job Ravens, looking good. The first pic with that interesting smoke trail dispersion, was the ride bumpy?

Only improvement I can see is ya need more smokers :)
Thanks cobra.

Airshow days were not too bumpy. Mainly the standard lift over the runway and crowd due to heat.