
Well Known Member
Anyone else have any issue with the calibration of Dynon's replacement heated AoA probe? I installed the replacement this AM, but never got the calibration as accurate as the previous probe. I'm pretty sure I did one iteration when I calibrated the last probe and it worked perfectly - began beeping approaching the stall, becoming a solid tone at the break.

This AM, I must have done the calibration at least 10 times. Sometimes I would get the beeping just prior to the break, sometimes just at the break - never heard the solid tone. I've flown the previous probe/calibration long enough to realize that during my base to final turn at my standard pattern AS, I have too many green AoA bars for my profile.

I have to think I'm jacking up the calibration process in some way. The instructions are pretty basic - set up fast cruise, oscillate +/- 5' 4 times, enter stall, recover to normal flight, hit stall button. Can someone clarify a few questions about the process - honestly can't remember exactly what I did last time:

The oscillations - is this up to 5' down to 5', 4 times, or does each oscillation count - up 1, down 2, up 3, down 4 - does it even matter?

After the oscillations, you go right into the stall - does it matter power on or off?

I tried several variations on the calibration theme, but kept coming up with similar results as initially stated.

I appreciate any help :)
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Not sure which Dynon you have, but the D10A AOA calibration requires 4 stalls.

1/ Full power clean
2/ Idle power clean
3/ Full power full flaps
4/ idle power full flaps
It's up down 5 degrees, not feet.
Then push stall button; countdown starts.
Complete a stall prior to the clock hitting zero.
Wait until it hits zero; then push stall again and repeat, if you want a different configuration.
When finished push - I forget, it says finish or done or something like that.

That having been said, mine seems to come on slightly later than the old one did. But on the recalibration I did not do a full sequence of stalls. Maybe I need to repeat.
Mel - should have specified it is with a Skyview.

Thanks, Bob. The apostrophe is my attempt at symbolizing degrees - guess it is misleading. Man, I swear the page said to enter the stall directly after the oscillations, THEN hit the stall button. I do not get a count down when I hit the stall button - it only counts the number of stalls in the upper right portion of the screen. Are you using a Skyview. When I searched for old posts, I found some posts that discussed a countdown, but I think it was for the D10/180.

Regardless, I appreciate your input and hope that the issue is as simple as operator retarded timing:D
I also found that the beeping started at a slower speed with the new AoA.

I have now got it beeping like the old one by doing a "make believe stall" a few knots before the real stall during the calibration process. I can't remember if I get the solid tone at the real stall - I'll check the next time I fly.

Mel - should have specified it is with a Skyview.
Thanks, Bob. The apostrophe is my attempt at symbolizing degrees - guess it is misleading. Man, I swear the page said to enter the stall directly after the oscillations, THEN hit the stall button. I do not get a count down when I hit the stall button - it only counts the number of stalls in the upper right portion of the screen. Are you using a Skyview. When I searched for old posts, I found some posts that discussed a countdown, but I think it was for the D10/180.
Regardless, I appreciate your input and hope that the issue is as simple as operator retarded timing:D

If you happen to be using a MAC, try alt/0 for the degree symbol. BTW, you must use the 0 above the qwerty keys, not the right hand number keypad.
I also found that the beeping started at a slower speed with the new AoA.

I have now got it beeping like the old one by doing a "make believe stall" a few knots before the real stall during the calibration process. I can't remember if I get the solid tone at the real stall - I'll check the next time I fly.


Thanks, Fin. Seems it may not be exclusive to my installation. Great idea about the fake stall. Synch the beeps with the actual break and it will at least be closer to my previous probe. Thanks!
If you happen to be using a MAC, try alt/0 for the degree symbol. BTW, you must use the 0 above the qwerty keys, not the right hand number keypad.

Using an iPad, but thanks all the same. Come to think of it, I believe I have used - * - in the past, not '. Probably easiest just to write out degrees:D
I'm using a Dynon D-6 for the AOA tone; maybe the Skyview calibration method is a little different.

Between the D6 and the SkyView the flying part of the AOA calibration is the same but the software sequence is slightly different.

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