
Well Known Member
When Vlad was out I had mentioned that I had not done many write ups lately as I had been doing the Videos. He insisted I should get back at it. Well you can thank Vlad for this one!

Last Friday we loaded up the RV10 and headed for Vancouver Island. All of our trips have been south bound so we figured we would change it up a little this year and see our own country. The last time we were off to the Island was in 2009 in the Ten, first trip we ever made in the plane. There was a huge high coming in off the coast and it was shaping up to being perfect weather. We had been getting hit by terrible weather all summer in Alberta and knew we had to get out early before the thunder storms hit yet again.

Airborne at about 8:30 we skirted between two storms already brewing and made our way direct. A climb to 10,500 and we were on our way.


Once over the Columbia valley the weather turned to clear sky’s. It was perfectly smooth the entire flight. It wasn’t long and we were on with Vancouver centre getting vectored well north of Vancouver. He was nice enough to line us up perfectly with an Airbus for its wake turbulence, luckily we did not hit any. Soon switched to Terminal and we were direct to Gower point then direct to Nanaimo. 2.7 hrs flight time.

Over Hope


Fraser Valley


North of Vancouver


We spent two nights in Nanaimo. Went to Coombs Market, Parksville beach, hiked Newcastle Island and Protection Island. Sunday we planned to head to Tofino.

Protection Island Pub


Hiking Newcastle Island


Tofino is known for its fog and unpredictable weather; it was off course Low IFR and forecasted to go VFR by 11:00. We left Nanaimo around 11:00 and headed for Courtenay watching to see if Tofino would go VFR on route. It never happened so we landed in Courtenay for fuel.



We decided to go for a look and see what it looked like. Half way over it went VFR. It is only about 20min to get across the Island. As we neared the west side all we could see is cloud over the ocean. We approached the airport and half was clear and half was under fog. Traffic was departing 34 away from the fog and traffic was landing 16 into the fog. We flew over the town of Tofino and Vargas Island for a look before landing. It was in the clear. Vargas Island is where you can land on the beach. I plan to get back there in the Carbon Cub to do just that.
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Vargas Island


Tofino Area


Landing Tofino


Landing was uneventful and we taxied in under the fog wondering if we should even stay. We decided if we got stuck it was just part of the adventure. We headed down for the after noon on the beach. The entire time the fog hung out just offshore.

Long Beach


We headed back early evening and planned a flight direct to north of Campbell River then follow the coast back down to Courtenay where we had a room booked. This is a very rugged part of the Island, big trees, steep mountains and no roads. Big Grizzlies and Cougars too!

Leaving Tofino


Rugged West coast


North of Campbell River


The flight was uneventful and we were soon lined up to land in Courtenay.

Next day we rented Kayaks for 4 hours of paddling. This was a really good time. The water is so clear and we loved swimming in it.

Kayaking Coutenay Bay


Passing Vancouver on our way home.


All too soon we woke up and it was time to head home. Airborne at 8:30 and 2.9 hrs later we were back in High River and I was into the office by 2:30 for a 3:00 meeting. The magic carpet is a great way to travel. When you have good weather, there is no better way to go. It was a great 4 day long weekend!
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Nice pictures Troy.

We do live in beautiful (and rugged) country. I've not been to Vargas Beach yet but it's on my list. Be sure to check the tide chart as well as weather before going. Apparently there's wolves on the island so keep that in mind if you're planning to overnight on the beach.

Awesome! Great trip Papa Troy! I don't see Vancouver Island in my logbook you know what it means :D


Thanks for everything you've done for us on the mega trip. You saved us in that weather. All your suggestions were religiously followed (by me :D) we enjoyed visiting tremendously.


I was wondering whose 10 was at Courtenay on Monday. Would have liked to of met you. Next time. Vargas and Nootka are suitable for RV's even with wheelpants, no need for the cub.

I was wondering whose 10 was at Courtenay on Monday. Would have liked to of met you. Next time. Vargas and Nootka are suitable for RV's even with wheelpants, no need for the cub.


We will be back as we loved Courtenay. Sure would love to land on Vargas or Nootka, just couldn't find the right person to confirm the ten was OK. Sure is quicker in the ten than the cub:D
Gorgeous part of the world...

A dozen or so years back, some old service buddies and I spent a week in Tofino salmon and halibut fishing...

We stayed at a place called the Pacific Sands Resort outside of town.

Great fishing, great scenery, great people!

Thanks for the trip write up, a reminder I need to get myself and the Missus up to BC...

Too bad you missed the Snowbirds performance at Newcastle. I was there on my boat, returning home from Desolation Sound, east of Campbell River. A 2-hour round trip Harmon Rocket flight from Victoria turns into a 3 week trip by boat when running at 8 knots.

After Newcastle, we got a spectacular view of the Perseides meteor shower. Truly a magical area to be touring by air or sea. Long Beach at Tofino is my favourite destination ever.

Great write up Troy. Next year we plan a trip to the US west coast to visit Yosemite and San Francisco. From there we will fly to Courtenay where I have a sister living, on the way back home possibly stop in the Calgary area. My hope was to do this trip this year but things got in the way so now it is planned for 2017.