
Well Known Member
We have made many wonderful trips in the RV10 this summer, the longest was across Canada to our home town in the maritimes. I flew my RV9 there a few years back and knew I wanted to do lots of the same type of travelling with the family. The RV10 build began and 17 months later we had a traveling aircraft with two more seats. The whole family could join in!! We made the trip the middle of July.

Our kids just turned 3 and 5 this month. They have been flying with me since they were 18 months old. Going on a trip of this length was going to be a big one for that age. They made it to the Pacific in the RV10 so I figured they could make it to the Atlantic. Better lobster there too. Our boy, who is the youngest was used to the headsets by then, we just did not know how that would go for a whole day of flying. The worst that could happen was cancelling the trip and turning back. It was worth giving it a try. Mom would have to sit in the back with one and the other would be in the front with me. This would be the safest way for us to travel with them until they get older. Maybe one day Mom and Dad will get to ride in the back.

The plan was to only fly for a max of 3 hour legs. We had friends in Red Lake Ontario that we had not seen in years so that would be the plan for the first day. Getting out to the airport early is always a challenge with kids. There is no schedule and no set departure on Branch Airlines so it works well for us.

All aboard and ready to go.

11:30 we were wheels up and on our way to Regina for the first stop for a late lunch. First Leg 2hours.

Trundling along over the prairies.

With full belly's the next leg would take us direct to Red Lake. A good chance that everyone would be sleeping as well. Red Lake is situated in the middle of no where in North Western Ontario. There is only one road in and is noted for it Mining and outdoor adventure. The Norseman Capital of Canada. We filled the HWA tip tanks so we could head in and head out if the weather got bad. Running LOP with 75 Gal total sure gives you lots of range in the 10.

Every one comfy and enjoying the ride. Mom likes the O2 as she gets Headaches on longer legs at 9500.

Lake Manitoba.

The air was smooth with few clouds until Lake Winnipeg. We had to duck under an overcast for the last 1/2 of the flight into Red lake. Total time 2.5 hours. The air was cold and windy on the ground. We all needed our Jackets on.

Our Chauffer arrived on time thanks to the spot tracker. His family watched us get closer and timed it perfectly. It was just after supper and we flew a good chunk of the country in 4.5 hours. It was far from difficult and much less stressful than driving. The beers were opened and the BBQ lit. It was time to catch up with old freinds.

The next Day we toured the area and looked at many Float planes. Lakes all around and many places to swim or go fishing.

The weather system that we flew under was moving east and it looked like we would have a good flight for the most part into Sudbury the following Day. There was forcasted storms at the time of our arrival so it was looking like a bit more work for this flight. The tanks were full and a direct flight to Marathon was in order. We flew the Victor into Souix Lookout and then went direct from there. There is an amazing amount of lakes in this part of the country. The 10 would feel much more comfortable flying if it had floats. I am glad the engine does not no the difference. Flight Time 2 hours.

South end of Lake Nipigon.

We had a nice Picnic at the airport and filled all 4 tanks. Marathon has the cheapest fuel in the country. Be sure to stop there if heading through the area. Next stop was Sudbury for the night. Many cells were showing up on the 496. There is very few alternates in these parts so lots of fuel is a great thing to have. We filed out of there direct to Sudbury for a look.

The scattered layer soon closed in and we got under the deck. There was many scattered rain showers that were easy to pick our way through. The worst of them were close to the Sudbury aiport. I changed my course slightly to pick my best way through based on the 496. Out the window it looked better on the north side of the airport, but what you could not see was that the cells were all closed in on the north side of the aiport. We went with the XM and slid in around the cells with hardly a drop on the window. Flight time 1.5 hours

We have family in Sudbury that we had not seen in over 12 years. They got us at the airport and we went into town for a big feast. It was nice to visit and introduce them to our kids. The next day looked good for the last leg but the day after that did not. We opted for a short Visit and headed east the next morning. We plan to go back.

Wheels up at 12:00. See told you we can't get away early!! The plan was a stop in Trois Rivieres (3 rivers) for an afternoon lunch. One thing about stopping here is you need to know some french. We had not spoken french in a long time and it was fun to get back into it. We over flew Ottawa and then used flight following for the remainder of the leg. The scenery was beautiful over the Ottawa River and ST Laurence.

We soon touched down in Trois Rivieres and made our way in to eat. We were sure to have a Poutine as a side order. The food and service was great. Flight Time 2.5 hrs

We bailed out of there for our final leg of the trip. Our Destination was Bathurst NB. Once airborne we climbed up to 9500 for a smooth ride east. We overflew Quebec City and then turned direct on course.

Quebec City

The winds aloft were giving us a nice 25kt push. Best on the whole trip was 10 kts on the tail. Seeing how we were so close to home I punched the throttle in and ran 100 ROP. 175 TAS and 200kts on the ground. The ride was smooth and the last leg was 1.5hrs. The family had all been watching our progress on the SPOT. We had no idea who would be at the airport to great us. We touched down and what a surprise to see so many people there to see us.

I wasn't lying.

Not sure if they were there to see the plane or the kids. I know it was not me. I think it was the RV10 that attracted them. He He. There was more people there then compared to when the Dash 8 comes in with paying customers.

Over all the kids did really well. We never even had to turn the DVD player on. Just the XM tunes and that was it. I was very proud of them doing so well. They are good sleepers too! The plane performed as it should with no troubles at all.

We went on many flight around the Maritimes (Actually my wife got her first ride in the front seat of the RV10 in the maritimes, we can't get babysitters out west, she liked it) and came back through Maine, Toronto and crossed into Michigan for the return trip through the US.
I can post that too if there is interest.

Building is a lot of fun, but traveling with your family in the plane you built is the best.
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Thanks for the Canadian story...
The pictures are nice.
I would like to learn more about your plane as well.
Yes, please post more stories.

I see the Canola was doing quite well in the Prairies (yellow in the picture). Closer to Regina, (well...halfway between Regina and Saskatoon) you'll see a bit more Flax and if timed just right, the blue / violet colors are impressive. The Prairies are a wonderful place.
Great write up! Awesome pics! You have a great family and a very nice RV. I would like to hear more!
Thanks for the write up, Troy. It brought back memories of a fishing trip in my old Cherokee several years back. We flew in to Red Lake, (900 nm), hopped on one of those Norsemen, and it took us to Sharpstone Lake about 110 nm further into the "outback". The fishing was great! I have pictures of that same "airplane on a stick" that set the stage for your family?s picture. You aren't kidding about the number of lakes, the single road and the desolation up there. It made me have a deep appreciation for the miners and trappers that made / make their living in that country. I'm anxiously awaiting your return trip report. How about more pics of the Maritimes?
Enjoyed reading your chronicles! Great pics of our fantastic country! Fun that you could take the family along. With my RV4, all I can carry is 1 at a time... I fly out of Brampton (CNC3) which is loaded with RV guys, all types. Too bad we didn't know you were in the neighbourhood... next time. ;)
Thanks again eh.
Maritime Pictures

Glad you guys like the storey. It is always fun to see how people relate to different areas of the country.

We spent about a week visiting family in the Maritimes. Here is a few shots of what the area looks like. We went to New Brunswick, PEI and Nova Scotia. Weather is always a challenge out there and we would get one good day and then one bad day. We were fortunate to not get weathered in for the a week or more as it is very common in this area. They get all the bad weather coming up the eastern seaboard and also from the St laurence all at the same time!!

It is usually very hazy so I apologize for some of the brighness in the pics.

The beaches on the north shore of New Brunswick in our Home town.

The Confederation Bridge. This is only about 1/3 of it length.

Summer Side PEI

Many of the beatiful Light Houses and coast lines of PEI

So many beaches to pick from on the Island with very few people.

Halifax Airport

The Bay of Fundy. The Largest Tides in the world.

An evening Flight to Summerside PEI for supper out of Moncton. Only 15 Minutes!

Heading Back to Moncton after supper on the Island with Freinds.

Over Chipman New Brunswick and the North end of Grand Lake.

Well I hope everyone enjoys the pictures. We had lots of fun touring around to places that we had only been by car. If you are looking for a very relaxing holiday, the maritimes is a great place to visit. Some of the most freindliest people around.

Next up will be our return trip to Calgary. We encounter rain, some sun, thunderstorms, more sun and strong headwinds but the RV just did its job and brought us home. Am I ever glad to have an autopilot!
Hi Troy,

Someone beat me to it....I was just going to comment on that darned nice panel!! :D

Nice pics, nice job on the plane and nice trip report. Nice to see after all the hard work you've done that it's paying off for you!


Beautiful family, airplane and trip write-up.....really got me warm and fuzzy...thanks..

Keep 'em coming,

Hi Troy,

Someone beat me to it....I was just going to comment on that darned nice panel!! :D

Nice pics, nice job on the plane and nice trip report. Nice to see after all the hard work you've done that it's paying off for you!

Thanks for the panel comments from both you are others. Just remember you supplied all the goodies I just cut the holes. The layout seems to work well for me. Gona cut a bigger hole on the left side one day to slip the 4500 in. Should be quite easy to do as I just get the water jet guy down the road to do the cutting.
The trip back to Calgary

We never had a set time as to when to leave or when to be back. We just wanted to plan the best weather for the flight west. The problem was the whole time we where there, Ontario was getting pounded with rain. We were lucky enough to see a break in the weather that looked like it would allow us to get out. If we could make it around the leading edge of the system we would not have weather until the front on the west side of Chicago. That front stretched from Texas to northern Manitoba so we knew there was no way around it.
We set out of Moncton in clear sky around 11:30. The plan was a direct flight to Trois Riviere over flying Maine. Soon after crossing the border with flight following from Boston Centre, the weather started close in a bit. The ceilings stayed high and we just plugged along in the rain watching the weather on the XM. Several others ahead on the same flight path were down much lower and kept asking for weather updates. I knew from the XM a direct route was a bad choice so we deviated a bit and stayed at 6500 the whole time with no troubles at all. We were soon in the clear again and let down over the St laurence for Trois Riviers.

After full bellies, the next stop would be London Ontario to stay with an old high school freind for the night. The routing would take us on a tour of the CN tower. Once over Montreal we had to deviate a bit for lower clouds and then soon got back on course. It is kind of nice to fly around 2000agl for scenery.

Lakes just west of Ottawa.

Not long we were over Lake Ontario. We stayed out over the water in smooth air and slid along the shore line. The population kept on growing as we near Toronto. The view was much different that Northern Ontario. Through the hazy sky the CN tower soon came into view. It was a very exciting moment for all of us. I had only seen it once before and now were all flying by it in our own plane that was built in our garage. Several other aircraft were on a city tour as well and we blew by them in no time like the were backing up really fast. He He.
Toronto and the CN tower. We were at 2000ft ASL.

City Center Airport.

Terminal had us fly the shore line for a while before turning on course. Several storms were building just south of our course and near our destination. The XM showed lots of lightening strick and also the direction it was moving. It was clear that it was not going to effect us at it was moving away from the airport. We just stayed plenty clear of the multiple cell storm and slid our way into the airport.

That night we caught up on some old story's and turned in. The weather was looking good for the next day until Chicago area. The plan was to clear custom at Port Huron St Clair. The arrival was scheduled for 11:30. With all the eApis paper work in hand we set out for the 30 Min flight.

Port Huron.

On arrival, customs was busy with a couple of other aircraft so we could not get out. Try to tell a 3 year old to stay in the plane!! Snacks did the trick and 15 minutes later we were allowed to get out. With the paper work done and all tanks filled we were ready.

Soon into the climb we picked up flight following and relaxed as the scenery went buy. One thing for sure, Michigan has no shortage of airport. This place was nothing like anywhere in Canada.

We went from Centre to centre and plugged along in the bumps as we were out of O2. The next planned stop was for a refill. As we neared Chicago the rain had started. This was the last Saterday of Osh. Several people had made it though the front coming from Osh and had given pilot reports of the weather. All the airport had similar weather on the last quarter through and the only part we did not know was how consistent it was. We flew through over 75% of it over 3000 agl. The trailing edge quite often has the lower ceilings and better visibilty. The plan was to keep on going and land if the going got bad. The rain soon stopped and the ceiling started to drop. I gave my self a good cut point to make one of two choices. Land or Turn around. Seeing how the day was still early, landing seemed like the better choice and wait it out few ours if need be.

The visibilty was really good and the ceiling were still much higher than MEA in the area. The ceiling did not seam to level out at my decision height so the decision was made. Land and wait. What was the closest airport, Earlville, IL. A nice 3500ft grass runway. We could have turned around for better options but that would just keep us under the weather longer. We all got out to stretch our legs and see if anyone was home. The place was desserted except for the dog and many cats.

The dog's new best freinds.

We made a call to Flight services for a weather breif. They confirmed that the weather around us was good vfr and the weather just west of us was dramatically better. We just picked the bad route though I guess. The inconsintancy of the ceiling got us. The xm showed us just on the trailing edge. If all went by the forcast 3 hours on the ground would do it.

The skys started to open up at the 3hour mark. We made a call for a weather confirmation and we saddled up. If the weather ahead was not as we were told, we planned to just come back. Once airborne there was sunny skies pouring down everywhere ahead of us. Not long we were under a nice skattered layer and on our way to Cedar Rapids. We landed for fuel and food. Seeing how we used a whole 3 hours stadding in corn, we figured we would call it a day. We got the shuttle in to town and toured around a bit before turning in.

The next day we planned to make it all the way back to Calgary. The weather for there was looking bad come Monday right through to friday. We launched at 8:30 (almost early) Calgary time and headed for Rapid City SD. There was not a cloud in the sky for most of the way. The 30kts on the nose was there for most of it though!!

Leaving the plane do the work.

SD Badland I think.

As we started out descent into Rapid City we had to open the vents. Not longer after the Vents were blasting hot air. OAT went up to 36C. It was better with them shut. We touched down in a gust cross wind and got the plane filled up. The FBO gave us a ride to the terminal for AC and food. We were all to soon back in the oven and on our way to Greatfall MT for Customs planning.

We climbed for cooler air at 10,500 and got the O2 running. The air was still rough as we never got close to cloud base. Once our youngest will keep it on will will get much higher. OAT was now a much more comfortable 10C. We cruised along the desolate country and made our way into Great fall dodging storm cells.

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Final Leg

A quick fill, a call to book Canpass and fill out the EApis and we were on our way with chips for supper. The air had cooled some and we stayed lower for the last leg of MT. Lethbridge soon came into view to clear customs. A quick call and a verification number and we were on our way to home.

The air was smooth as glass so I figured what better time for Emma to try flying. I took of her shoulder belt so she could reach and I let her at it. She could not see out the front so I turn the EFIS to flight instruments. She was all smiles.

About 10 minutes out of home base you will never guess what happened. A tail wind!! The first of the trip west bound. We were soon wheels down at High River Airport CEN4. The trip had come to an end. The hobbs time for the day was 8.5 hours. I still cannot believe the kids put that kind of a day in the airplane with little fuss. To keep headsets on that long is amazing. They are my little co-pilots and muma is the best back seat navigator.

The highlight of the trip for me was when Emma asked me " Can you land on the cloud down there". Priceless!!

I cannot think of a better way to spend time with your family!
Looks like the XM is a good investment.
You are a cautious pilot, I appreciate learning your ADM skill.
Thanks for sharing.