
Well Known Member
This is for all the RV'ers in N. CA!
Tomorrow (Sat. 4/24) is the opening Fly-in of our season. The AirFaire at Calaveras County airport (KCPU) is always a great event. Usually, there is a great assortment of aircraft including vintage, LSA, homebuilt (I will not use the word "experimental), and the occasional P-51! Last year we had a large gathering of RV's and HR's, including a formation flight.
There is some information on our EAA Chapter 484 website The site is brand new and is still a work in progress. Please take a minute to check the working links for information.
The best attraction is the camaraderie and hangar flying. The weather God's appear to be smiling with a forecast of CAVU and 76F! Great RV flying!
If any of you guys make it, please look me up. I will be flying either my red and grey PA-20 or a blue and white C-170. i always enjoy putting names to the faces!

Are there multiple fly-ins there at CPU? I'm working this weekend, but would love to pop over the hill and join one sometime. If there are more, please let us know the schedule if ya can. Thanks for the heads-up, and have a fun fly-in!


Are there multiple fly-ins there at CPU? I'm working this weekend, but would love to pop over the hill and join one sometime. If there are more, please let us know the schedule if ya can. Thanks for the heads-up, and have a fun fly-in!


Hi Bob,
I should have phrased it differently, as my message was misleading. There is only the one fly-in at KCPU.
My intention was that around these parts, this is the first fly-in that we attend to start off the fly-in/airshow season.
Hope to see you over on our side of the hill someday!
Rog Mark, thanks. I'll keep my eyes peeled, and please do post when you and the buds are headed to events, and I'll see how many Reno area RVers I can drag along with me! :) Have fun this weekend!

I was lucky enough to take my first RV ride in an RV4 out of KCPU back in the late 80's. I wish I had the weekend off.
Nice Day

It was a real nice little open house. Quite a few great looking planes. Too bad about the "no canard" stickers on several RVs. Doesn't seem like a very neighborly way to promote experimental aviation, insulting other designs. Oh well.....maybe we need a bunch of smoke to be cool enuf for ya..... :rolleyes:
It was a real nice little open house. Quite a few great looking planes. Too bad about the "no canard" stickers on several RVs. Doesn't seem like a very neighborly way to promote experimental aviation, insulting other designs. Oh well.....maybe we need a bunch of smoke to be cool enuf for ya..... :rolleyes:

Hey RVadmirer!
Thanks for coming up! Were you flying one of the canard planes? Which one?
It was a great day, with lots of new friends made. Not sure about the 'no canard" thing as I did not see it.
I lost count of the RV's in attendance, but we had a good group for sure!
I built the gray RV 7A with that sticker. My buddy"s RV 8 has the small one.
Two years ago on May 2nd, leaving off a small grass strip I had an incursion with a 12.3 lb Canadian Goose. I landed safely after a cartwheel with a half twist.

We walked away needing a new plane and having a serious dislike for large waterfowl ( while in the air )

That is the short story behind the sticker. It has nothing to do with your Canard winged plane.

In fact I think John at was talking the other day about smoke on a pusher plane.

BTW. the 4 RV's from Watsonville had a great time at the air fair. Thanks guys. see you next year.
That grey plane was a nice one too! The valley is full of large waterfowl right now and at all altitudes. Sorry to hear about your encounter. What did it hit that took you out of the air? We have to dodge them in the pattern. Always a little nerve-wracking.......