
Well Known Member
Several years ago, when I was a Cal Ploy, San Luis Obispo Aero student, I managed to convince the department that they should build an RV. I taught a lab class each quarter in which a small group of students worked on the plane. The idea behind the class was to give Aerospace engineering students a hands on opportunity to see how to design for production. After construction is complete, the university will be able to use the RV for their flight test class. A small group of faculty and students are making a serious push to finish the plane this summer. The photo below was taken just before Oshkosh, and wiring is underway now. The panel will feature an MGL Avionics EFIS.

The only components that the university is still looking for are an ELT and a transponder. If you have one and would like to donate it or sell it cheap, please let me know.


Paul Kendrick
Yeah, I'm still building mine, and getting pretty close, too. I weighed it last week, it goes in for pitot/static and transponder checks friday, and over the weekend, I'll start pulling it apart for the condition inspection. If my work and social schedules permit, first flight should be within a couple months.

I have a bunch of photos here:

Also, I received a PM earlier, and it sounds like we've got the ELT taken care of for the Cal Poly plane. Thanks!!

Wow Paul!

Nice going Paul.
I guess it was 3 or 4 years ago I came by your apt and you were just getting going. Looks like she's about ready to rock.
I love that prop! Nice panel too.

I copped out and bought an Archer rather than build. Long story.
Hope to get into an RV one way or the other ultimately though.

Best of luck to you getting her in the air. I'd love to be there if you need any support. If so drop me an email. I'm based at Paso Robles.
